I won't die

Chapter 58: I won't die

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  "We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone." Orson Welles

Jiaxyn hum one of her favorite songs — Idol by BTS, while sweeping the floor. She wipes her dusty table and walls. She hates dusty things even if it's a small one, because if her room is dusty, spiders and insects will enter her room. That is why she hates it.

After cleaning her room, she arrange her cosmetics and done.

She sigh and wipe her sweat on her forehead. She pick her phone up and open the app of her most visit app, the Underground.

She scroll and find something interesting news that can light up her little world.

"The heiress is Dark Rose?" She smiled.

Dark Rose is a wonderful name for my sister. Did she really accept it? I know that she can't avoid in this kind of things especially when grandma chose her. I am so jealous of my sister, but luckily she is my sister and I will always right beside her. I will never betray her. Never.

Even if the world got upside down, she is still the sister I will love the most.

She giggled like a woman who is in a state of in love.

She scroll her phone again and frown.

"Him? The heir? There is also a heir? And they need to kill each other to prove whose stronger? Oh no. Demond King. The king of hell— a ruthless, merciless, cold man." She shivered.

Now, she lost her good mood.

Ring! Ring!

She didn't look who is calling to her when she answered the call.

"Who is this?" she angrily said.

[Check Zier's profile in the underground world. Find everything, my suspicion is right. He is one of us.] A sweet but cold voice said.

"Sis!" She stands up out of shock. She look at her phone and found that it was her sisters phone number. "Yes, I got it." She will not question anything because she will find it out later.

This is her job after all. But wait, her husband?

* * *

"Wife. Hide properly." He said.

The first time she saw him shouting angrily with full of concerned. Especially when he knew her past that traumatized her, the fist evil thing she ever discover in her entire life. Thinking about this, it makes his heart flinch in pain and wanted to destroy her ex-stepbrother and stab his knife in his 'little own'.

Of course, her ex-stepfather wasn't an exception. While Lyricie, who still remember her past the frighten her made herself strong and reliable. She almost close her pure heart.

If you are pure and innocent in this cruel world and you met the opposite of you who is cruel, merciless, you will definitely frighten and look like a weak chick. You will learn the truth.

A stupid person or let's say an innocent pure person will whole heartedly accept that person and will repeat and repeat it again until the innocent one will ended up to nothing. There is nothing wrong to forgive oneself, but if the person is not sincere – that's a waste.

But that's not her end— she will fight and her hidden demolish will arise. That's a possibility.

The more innocent your heart is, if it's painted by black because of your experience in this world, the unexpected will happened.

Cherish the weak because if the weak has a strong will, anything will do.

Your done for.

Through hardships it make every personas change bit by bit. Learning their lessons and experience ups and downs make the persons more like Godly but boy exactly Godly. Just only a person that people will admire that person and made some people envious– hatred– jealously.

It's like making another enemy. So what if they had enemy? They can befriend them but if they attack first. Ha!

There's only one rule for them.

An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.

Zier stayed quietly sitting in his chair. The car that was trailing them behind stopped the car and open the headlights brighter. Same from the other cat on the front.

"Boss. We trap them. " The old 30–something years old who have a big scar on his face like it was scratched by a claw of a wild cat.

Wild cat? That's sounds cute and funny. Let's say a Lion.

The man who wears a black N' red tuxedo smirked. "Point a gun. Force him to go out especially his woman. That woman is his weakness. Capture her! " He ordered them. He then took out his phone. A photo of a beautiful young woman in the picture.

Finally found your weakness... Demond King. Finally.

Lyricie shivered and felt there is something wrong. There is definitely something wrong. She can smell it.

No way!!!! The smell of a gunpowder!!!

Zier is about to step out the car when he saw a few men pointing their gun to his car.

Before he step out of his car, she clenched her teeth and says. "Don't." He looks at her confused. "Don't leave the car. Stay here. Don't leave me. You are going to die if you go out. Don't. Please don't get out of the car." She added holding up his sleeve tightly.

"Let's call a police and they will save us. Definitely. " She nervously said.

She didn't know why she acted like this. She can't help it. She loves this person so much. Even though they didn't act like a real couple she still loves him.

She will not let him go. Zier only look at her. He didn't know how to react. Then he suddenly smile foolishly. He went closer to her, holding her chin and capture her sweet lips.

The sweetest lips he loves the most. He finally kiss her.

"Demond King! Get out of the car now!!" A stupid man shouted and knock hard at the window of his car.

He frown because he is in a good mood then suddenly someone wanted to ruin his good mood?! Are you asking for death!?

Lyrics bit her lips. "No! I don't want to. Zier. No. Don't follow. Please. " She shook her head while hugging him tightly around his neck. She looks at the man in front of her who is banging hard on the window.

She widen her eyes. She knows that person.

Her body trembled. His heart ache as he hug he tightly smelling her fragrance. Not minding that people with the gun outside.

"I won't die. " He whispered in her small ears. He replied calm and brave as if he can see the future beholds them.

"Get the f*ck out of the car! Demond King!"

"We are going to burn your damn ugly car together with your woman!"

Zier get irritated as he loosen his hug. "Calm down. We are going to be alright. Sorry for dragging you to this mess. I will clean it and don't ever look outside." he said. Lyricie's eyes started to redden as her tears flow down.

"I... I can't calm down. Zier... I am scared! " she said sinbi g holding his hands clasing it tightly.

The boss got irritated from waiting so he hop out the car and walk towards to Zeir's car fiercely.

He knock the window using his own gun and says. " Demond King... Get out until my patience run out. Stop doing anything and get the f*cking hell out of there right now!" He shouted very loud.