Sneaky, Plan

Chapter 64: Sneaky, Plan

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Lyricie parked her car near the Bangtan Highschool where she parks the car last time when he also follows them secretly. She gets out the car and look at the school. She smiled. She started to walks towards the school but she stopped walking when she looks at the sky. She smiled on how beautiful the nature is. Then she remembered something that she almost forgot. She took out her phone then she clicked Contacts, finding her husband's name. Lyricie is texting him.

Good morning, Zier. Did you see my note in our door? If you see it, I will be right back, soon.

Then she sent the message to him.

Not too far away, Zier parked his car behind and saw his wife looking at the school with a lonely but smiling face. Then, she entered the school. He was confused to why she entered highschool where she didn't go to school on her high school days. He followed her. When he heard his phone ring, he saw her message. He smiled.

Lyricie felt that he is still following her –she sighs. She saw a guard and wave at him. The guard lit up his eyes in joy and he respectfully bow down to her. "Miss, it is good to see you visiting this school again." He said with joy. She giggled and bow slightly to him.

"It is a pleasure to see this school again. It's been a long time." She said while looking at the students playing and running like a bird that is free and enjoyed their life. Her eyes flash for awhile then she took out her phone. She pictures this amazing scene.

"I will be going inside now." She said when she saw him nodding, she walked inside the school.

Zier can't believe that that guard knows her and even said that she have been here? When? He always followed everything she goes in secret not letting everyone that surrounds her knows up until now.

He guessed that she has many secrets that been kept well hidden from anyone especially him. It is a good thing that he followed but why did she keep this a secret?

He didn't know but she was here because she often visited the owner of the school for fun before and she has a right to enter for she is the CEO of Vanada Company and the owner of this school is her friend.

Lyricie went to the headmaster's office, when she walks inside the school, students of this school keep staring at her in confusion and sometimes in admiration. She just smiles at them and didn't bother them and continue to walks.

When she entered the office, she saw an old man who is focusing on his paper works. When he heard someone open the door, he didn't look up but says "Why are you here? Did you see this person is busy? Get out." He should not be considered an old man but an old man. He should be around 30s but his looks have a perfect fit for being old. He didn't take care of his body much as his job.

She didn't follow his rude order but she simply sits the nearest chair from her and chuckled. "Sejong." The man instantly drops off his papers and shocked look at the person who spoke. He was taken aback when he saw an unfamiliar yet familiar person.

"W-who are you?" Only few know his identity as Sejong. He is known as Sejong from underground world. He always keep a low profile, he hated that someone knows him. It is much better to be a subordinate of a merciless but kind hearted person.

"Ms. Bermudes. H-how do you know that name?" He recognized her because he often saw her talking with the owner of the school and she is the powerful business woman. However, how did she know his code name?

Lyricie sigh thou she wanted to correct him that she is married and her last name is Mo. Well, it doesn't matter. He will know it in the future by his own. She thought to herself.

Lyricie shows her pendant that she is the real heiress of mafia –the powerful woman. After showing the pendant, Sejong widen his eyes in disbelief. This is the first time he saw her without the mask being held. He instantly stands up and do curtsey before her. Before he speaks, she immediately speaks up.

"Headmaster, please." With this simple word have many meanings. So he understands it. He tried to sense if someone is listening or eavesdropping but no one. He can't feel anything. He didn't rush up. He stands up silently and smiles to the powerful queen in front of him. He can't believe that the person behinds the mask is very young and good looking.

"Please be seated."

Lyricie shook her head.

"Your school is improving and your students are kind of lacking manners. Teach them well, no train them really well. I hate being stared at." She immediately commented about this school. He helplessly nodded in agreement to her. He has nothing to say because it is a fact indeed.

"I will teach them well. Do not worry, M' lady." He responded. He almost spill out the word Highness. Well, never mind. He already knows her real identity. She is known as the Queen of business world –a cold but distinct woman. She hates interviewing especially talking to a talkative person.

He found her admirable and simply perfectly unique.

Sejong is one of a trusted subordinate of her clan. He is a very loyal friend of her grandfather, that's why she trusted him. They are frenemy and it is laughable when you hear their story.

"Use this and this. Especially this. Find his identity no matter what. You will not going to tell someone. Use your own skills. You know he is young but do not underestimate him. He is a strong opponent." Zier heard her talking seriously. He can't help but knit his brows. He didn't understand well.

What is this and this? Who is he? Strong? Opponent? What kind of strong did she meant?

"This." The old man reply speechlessly. This? Young? This is an old man!!! Older than him!!!

"What? You will not going to continue our partnership in business? This man is my new target. He ruined the one precious to me. Find everything that hidden under his sleeves. That is your first job." She pointed the picture of an old man, she can't help but smirk. She can do this but she has no time because of her title and him! So, let makes this a first job for him.

"No. No. I have no objections. This is a piece of cake." He said pitifully. She nodded.

This is not a piece of cake! Who tell you to find the information of our biggest enemy of our clan?! They have a backing, did you know that?!!!

Sejong wanted to cry but he lack tears. So he accepted it grievously.

"Remember to send it to me." She answered and opened the door. She didn't saw him.

She giggled and went to say bye to the old man. She left happily.

This man is kind of cute. She thought when she felt another doting gaze from her husband behind her back.

She walks to the sidewalk and texted them. When she arrives at the café, they looked happy. She has no objection on having this people besides her.

It was enough, but not entirely enough. She felt that something is missing, a very big one. However, what is it?

She greeted them and seated the empty chair.

"So… Order." Ama asked the men to move and went closer to Lyricie. She hugs her tightly and she says "It is been a long time, C" She childishly said as she jump to hug her. "Why is he following you?" She whispered to her.

"go and ask him." Lyricie answered patiently. Ama pouted as she loosened the hug.

"Here." The boys are back with foods in their hands.

"He is not going to hear us. But are you planning something for us?" Pierre asked. They all sit to their seats and started to eat. Well, that is possible. They all thought.

"I am planning to change your code names and help my husband. You all know that my husband has the same title as me. I wanted to play with my new name that Grandmother gave me." She announced.

All of them are looking excitedly.

"Our new mission is going to be interesting." Drake said with a smiling face.

"This is all the information. Study it and don't let others see it." Ama said as she take out the papers and give them one by one except for Lyricie.

"Why are you not giving her a copy?" Pierce asked when he noticed Ama didn't give her a copy.

"I don't need one. I am the one who made it and give the copy to her and she is the one who printed it for you guys." Lyricie proudly said.

"Let's start at night. Be ready."She said. They all nodded in agreement and started to change their topics.

Zier who is still hiding got a new message. He frowned when he saw what's written in the message.

Leader, the Archiend Clan wanted to make a duel. They wanted to fight us, without you Leader the whole clan will die in fire and bullets!

He immediately run towards his car and drive to the underworld.

Sensing that special someone is leaving, Lyricie curve her lips widely. Lyricie open her phone and click the underworld app. She saw the latest news.

Archiend Clan is now the strongest enemy of Dongtchok Clan! Who will win?

I guess this was the reason he leave so suddenly. She thought.

"No, it should be not tonight. It should be today. Let's go, he is now gone." She announced everyone.

They were all shocked to why did it happened so abruptly. All of the sudden, she change the topic and even saw the latest news.

They can't help but saw how worried Lyricie's eyes were. Especially when they heard that she was ambushed together with Zier. So they thought, they will give their best to be forever loyal to this woman, their benefactor.

Especially for Ama, who was almost at the death's door.