Not on bed

Chapter 69: Not on bed

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Zier is soundly sleeping in the couch when he heard a door opened and his wife talking with someone in his office.

"Why didn't you tell me that you have relations? Did you abandon me already?" He heard her worried voice and sounds like she is… crying?

'Who dares to let my wife cry, and who is this unlucky person?' He thought to himself. He stands up and saw his wife talking to her little sister.

'It's her? What is she doing here?' He thought.

"I-I don't have any relations to him except for brother-in-law's assistant. H-he is not my boyfriend. He made a… move on me." Jiaxyn's voice gets weaker and weaker as she speaks.

"I-I'm sorry. I should kick his-"She is about to say things when she heard her sister yell at her.

"No! Don't do that. It is man's precious things. If it's broken, they can't bear any child. Do you want that? Grey and you will not going to bear a child?"

Xyn was dumbfounded. She was confused! She cannot understand what her sister means.


"No buts or do you want to let me spank your butt?!"

"No no sister…"

"Did he do something to you more than that?"


"You're hiding something?"

"Last time we…"

"What? Did you do that thing! You are not married yet! Let him take the responsibility! I—"

"No sister, it's not that… We slept together but nothing happened, I guess?" Jiaxyn said shyly.

"Oh, when?" Lyricie calm down after hearing her words. She didn't know what to do if someone touches her precious sister.

Her eyes started to burn thinking of one possibility –kill 'that' person if he touches her.

"Sis?" Xyn asks her when she saw a fire in her eyes. She makes a fake and weak smile.

Lyricie came back to her senses when she saw her sister's weird smile.

"Oh, when was it?" She asks again.

"Your last birthday."

"I remember it but not clearly." Lyricie sighs. Deep inside her heart, she is happy that her little sister found something that is more reliable than a bastard like before who wants to find her to kill her. It is so stupid. She sits in the couch and takes out a phone.

"Sis, are you mad?" She asked nervously. She didn't want to see her sister mad at her because she can't handle it. She is too strong!

"No, I am not. I am just happy." She said smiling. She remember the last war, she saw Grey fighting while protecting Zier and his co-members. He was cool and brave. He is not afraid if he will die or not, well nobody can tell if it is true.

'He is brave, scary yet serious. He has a decent job and not that old for her. He has a handsome face, but I do not know if he is a playboy or not.' She thought thinking if Grey is perfect man for her little sister.

"May I asks, why are you here?" A deep voice whispered in her ear. She startled and was about ready to attack but she restrain because it is her husband and she also remembers that she needs to keep it a secret.

"You" She said while holding her chest. She looks at Xyn who is now staring at me eagerly as if she is saying 'I need to speak to him' or 'may I speak'.

"Xyn want to say something to you. I will leave first." I said and kiss him in the cheeks. Zier looks at Xyn and to Lyricie then he nodded. Lyricie smile and left the office, she went off to find Grey and talks to him.

"Brother-in-law, I will ask you a question." Xyn asked after her sister left. Zier slightly nod and sit where his wife sit awhile ago.

"It's all about sister. Did you see any abnormal behavior?" Zier stares her that makes her shivered and wanted to leave the room right now. She also thinks if there is something wrong with the question she just said.

"There is."

"What is it?"

"She hates bug."

Xyn is confused. 'What bug? She isn't afraid of bugs!'She thought.

"But she did not hate bugs! She loves to play bugs especially spiders!" She remembered, her sister used to play spiders that made her scared to death.

"Also, most of her times, she became lazy!"

"I know. I will check her up. But, that is not the one you wanted to ask, am I right?" Zier saw through her mind. This is not the only one she wanted to say, the most important one is hard to say so she needs time.

Xyn smile weirdly. "Ahh, I was found out. Did you see her not staying home most of her times? I do not know where and this is one of— never mind. You should ask her not me. Please excuse me." She bow down and open the door to left the office. She walks out the office and saw brother-in-law, Flynn.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I just saw sister-in-law walking while in her deep thought." He said while laughing.

"Har?" I confusedly asked.

"Oh, are you in a bad mood?" He asked her while staring at her up and down. Xyn blushes and punches him in the stomach.

"It hurts!" Flynn shouted that catches everyone attention. Xyn laugh out loud while holding her tummy giggling.

"What the hell!" He cursed. He rubs his stomach and deeply thinks while looking at the woman in front of him who is still laughing.

'Why do I feel she knows how to fight?' He thought. He remembers on how she attacked him. He didn't saw that coming because it was very fast that he didn't catch up.

"Are you done laughing?" He asked her. Xyn stops laughing and pats his shoulder.


After talking with Flynn, she went outside the building then she saw them.

"Do you really love my sister?" Lyricie asked.

"Yes. I will do everything for her." Grey seriously asked.

"You are such a straightforward man. You're boring." She sighs while secretly pecked on her phone. "Well, take care of her. Do not let her cry." She said.

"Yes, but I can't promise that if Xyn and I are on bed." Grey said not minding the words he used.

Lyricie laughs while Jiaxyn choked. 'The hell! What bed?!' Xyn thought.

Jiaxyn instantly went off. She wants to escape but they already saw her.



She robotically turned her head and wave at them weirdly. After waving at them, she didn't let them speak because she immediately run and left them stunned.

"Right, I have something to do. Good luck." Lyricie smile and walks away from him.

Lyricie went back to Zier's office. She opened the door and saw her husband staring at her. She pulled back and closes the door. She walks towards him and sits in his lap.

"Why did you leave me like that?" Zier asks while he hugs her and rested his chin in her shoulders. Lyricie patted his head like a favorite pet, she says. "It is urgent. What can I do?"

"Are you feeling sick?" He asks her that makes her stunned.

"A little." She replied. She does feel sick. Every morning she wakes up, she wanted to puke. There are times she hated bugs and there are times she lost control of her emotions. She needs a check-up.

"If you are sick, let's go to the hospital." He softly said while closing his eyes to rest.

Lyricie bit her lips. She guesses that there is something wrong with her body.

"But I do not want to go there." She stubbornly said.

"Then don't go. We will invite a doctor tomorrow." He said. Lyricie nodded.

"Oh right. I heard you talk with my sister. What is all about that? I am interested." She said.

"It is nothing important."

"Oh, is that so? Then there is nothing to hear." She said as she lean over to kiss the man.