Having discovered late at night by him

Chapter 71: Having discovered late at night by him

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The sun shines in the skin of a young lady lies in the bed sounds asleep. She turned her body and hugs the huge pillow besides her. But she felt it is not as soft as she wanted, so she presses it hard until she heard a low groan. She suddenly opens her eyes and looks at the 'pillow' besides her.

The 'pillow' is a man who has a good foundation. He has a cute but manly face. She can't help but admire it again. Then, she remembered what happened last night.


She is dressing up to meet Drake and talks about the man in the pictures. The man who let her sister suffered and tortured. Thinking of it again, she bit her lower lips. It is night time and passes 8 pm so she needs to wear fully black to hide in the dark.

She knows she can't go out while they are here in the same house. She needs to escape. She didn't want them to get worried especially Angela. She opened the door and looks at the ground below. It is little bit high but she can go down. She holds the branch of the tree and jump to swing her body. She landed on the biggest branch of the tree. She saw the gate not too far away so she run and jump to the tree.

She landed safely on the ground outside the gate of the house. She puts on her hood and walks as if nothing happened and just a passer-by.

She rides a taxi and pays when she reaches to the bar. She saw Drake sitting in the chair while looking in his phone. She can't help but frown. She took out her black clothing revealing her red dress and her silver high heels. She had a pony tail but no make-up on. She didn't reveal much of her body except for her legs and neck.

She folds the black clothing and put it in her shoulder bag. She walks closer to Drake with her smirking smile on. Sensing someone walking towards him, he raised his face to see Xyn walking gracefully.

He stands up and bows for a greeting. "Just like her sister but boss is much beautiful than you." He complimented her but still teasing her.

Jiaxyn laughs. "My sister will always be much better than me." Drake smirked. "Then, why is it red now?" Jiaxyn looks at her red stunning dress. "It didn't cover my curves but I hate revealing too much skin. Ews!"

Drake nodded. "That's good. Do not copy the other girls."

"Are they here?" She suddenly became serious when she asked. Drake stopped smiling and nodded. He then saw her eyes killing intent.

They are here in the bar to see the man that destroys her sister's childhood. They wanted to gain information without the help of her sister. They entered the bar and the first thing they heard was the loud noise of songs and laughter.

It was dark and you cannot clearly see the way there then suddenly someone grabbed Jiaxyn in the back. She saw Grey panting and he looks angry at her.

"Grey…"She whispered that only the three can hear. Drake was surprised by the man and can't help when he saw the meaning of the man's eye. He is a man so he knows the meaning of this kind of gazed at her.

"Madam. I guess we can't continue to get some information today, someone is here to get you." Drake smiled and looks at the man. "She insists. She is only my boss' sister." Then he left. Drake knows this man because he always saw him pestering her since Lyricie married.

Jiaxyn saw Drake leaving her with him and can't help but laugh bitterly. She looks at him. "Looks like I have been caught." She whispered. Grey pulled her in his arms and left the bar. Grey softly put her inside the car and she didn't mind it. She is aware that this man hates seeing her going with another man late at night. It already happens when she roam late at night in bored some when suddenly she saw a cute innocent teenage boy and started to tease him.

Being caught again by him is surprisingly a miracle.

"Explain." His deep voice has an angry tone and a worried tone. He can't help but why other man can but he's not. Why can't she do it with him?

"Grey. It is business, a private business that even my sister should not know." She answered. She sighs as she continued while she put on her black clothing again to cover up her revealing legs. "I am not doing inappropriate things like other women do in the bar. It is purely a business and the man I am with is my sister's trusted friend. He will not going to do anything bad at me because he has a wife. She is also a trusted friend of my sister."

He parked the car near the huge building. He remembered that he is hacking the bar when he saw his woman outside the bar talking with a man. He knit his brows and left in a hurry leaving Zier doing the job.

He went outside the car and drags her inside the building. Jiaxyn was in a complicated state. This is the first time she saw not smiling and becoming shamelessly like before. He turned completely a stranger to her. She stopped her tracks. She forcefully pushes him and walks backward to leave a huge gap between them.

She didn't know but this time she felt uncomfortable. She wants the Grey back. The Grey she likes. The Grey she wants and loves secretly. She didn't admit it because she didn't want to leave a scar again but seeing him now in a different light, she can't help but shed up. She didn't know how to control herself until she fainted.

Grey was looking at her not knowing why what happened then he saws her crying when she fainted. He catches her embracing her waist. He panicked and carried her to his room number and lays her in the soft bed.

He sighs for he didn't know what to do next. He brings the clean sleeping clothes and changes her clothes. While changing her clothes, he can't help but gulp.

"Xyn, if you want a man I will always be right here for you to be your man." He said and kisses her lips and her forehead. He continued to changes her clothes.


"You're awake." Grey opened his eyes to see the woman in his arms. Jiaxyn blushed hard like a tomato. She didn't know what to do so she covered her face in his chest. Then she saw her clothes being changed.

"W-who changed my clothes?" She asked.

"The man in your arms." He shortly replied. She blushed again and she shouted. "Pervert!!!"

She hops out in the bed and saw her dress and bag in the table.

"So shameless! Really shameless! Ahh!!!" She started to scream like crazy. Grey suddenly panicked. "Hey! Xyn, stop shouting. Hey, I didn't do anything to you. Your dress is too tight that it will hurt your body so you need to change so I call the maid to change you up."

Jiaxyn stopped shouting and looks at him. "Oh." Grey sighs. He is lucky that Xyn is innocent as ever.

"Right, do not tell my sister about last night." She seriously said. She did not know that every request from the shameless itself wants some exchange when it comes from her.

"In one condition. Be my woman." Jiaxyn blushed.

"Hell!" She didn't mind if her sister will learn the truth or not. The time is not ripe yet. However, she needs to find a solution for her sister will not know anything about that man's comeback. Even if Grey tells her sister that she secretly went to the bar together with Drake, she will guess that it is to find some information. Then, there is nothing wrong. Drake will take care of it all.

She went to the bathroom to change her clothes while Grey is looking at the door absent mind.