Chapter 004: Victims

Chrono flagged a taxi and went back home to get a change of clothes before going back to the hotel.


The next day.

"Manager, there is a man that has won quite a large sum of money at my baccarat table." The croupier from the table Chrono was playing at reported to her superior.

"How much have he won?" The manager replied and glanced in the direction that she was pointing.

"For the past 4 days, he have won more than half a million."

"That much? Any sign of cheating?"

"No. He plays very cleanly and is like any other customer."

"Alright. I will inform the higher ups and deal with it. You can go back to your station."

Shortly after, Chrono was told that he will be given a VIP card and his stay in MBS (for the lowest tier room) will be free. He was then able to go to the 4th floor where all the high rollers play.

After thinking for awhile, he decided to have a look at the 4th floor that is exclusive. There was a stark difference between the exclusive area and the common ground. The most obvious difference was that every service crew at the 4th floor all had very good looks. The female crew were all very pretty and had very nice figures while the male croupiers were all very good looking and looked really smart. In addition, every player had a personal attendant to attend to their every need.

"Good afternoon Sir, my name is Raon and I will be your attendant for today." A cute looking girl approached Chrono and introduced herself.

After some small talk with Raon, Chrono walked over to the baccarat table and sat down. He dragged a chair next to him and asked Raon to sit down.

"Sorry Sir. We are not allowed to sit at the gaming table."

"Well, rules are meant to be broken. Could you please call whoever is in-charge to come over? I would like to talk to him."

Soon, Raon sat beside Chrono and silently watched him as he played baccarat. The reason Chrono did this was because playing solo is too boring when he already knew whether he will be winning or losing. No thrill could be derived from the game. With a cute looking female in close proximity, it would be stupid of him not to relieve his boredom by talking to her while playing. The other nearby attendants looked at Raon jealously and told themselves that they will rush to be his attendant the next time.

Chrono found out that Raon was working part time during her holidays was also going to the same University as him. However, he did not revealed that he was also going to the same University. Chrono stopped playing and headed over to cash in his chips when he decided that he have won enough for the day.

Chrono stayed at MBS for almost a week and at the end of his trip, he had close to two million dollars in his bank account. In addition, he managed to chat up with other players in the exclusive floor and in the process secured targets who will die due to natural causes soon. They will be his cash cow when their time is up. The other causes of death are homicide, suicide and accidental death.

After checking out of the hotel, Chrono cabbed back home home.

The stone laid in his inventory forgotten.


The next day.

With 1 million dollars in his bank account, Chrono was ready to increase his lifespan. Getting up early, he ate breakfast and left his house to catch the morning rush hour.

After walking around in his neighbourhood, he saw a young looking man who was sitting at a park bench looking distraught.

Looks like he have a problem and I hope it can be solved with Money...

[Total life span: 95 years | Cause of Death: Natural]

The man suddenly felt sleepy and soon he found himself at one end of the corridor. After a couple of minute, he finally arrived at the entrance of Life Bar. Chrono with his half mask stood behind the bar and greeted the man warmly, "Good day Sir. Welcome to the Life Bar. What would you like to have?"

-Who are you? Where am I?

-As I said, you are in the Life Bar, dear customer. You may exchange your lifespan for material goods.

-Material goods? Like… Money?

Isn't this exactly what the previous customer sad?

-Sure, money can be exchanged. It all depends on how much you are willing to let go for the sake of money.

-Any Amount? This feel like selling my soul to the devil…

-Don't worry Sir, my master is definitely not the devil. He is a human just like you and me.

-Master? Who is your master?

-That would be a secret my dear customer. Would you like to share your problems with me as you drink this cup of beer?

Chrono placed a cup of beer in front of the man.


-Problems? Of course it is money problem. My investment in stocks failed horribly. I used all my savings to purchase the stock of this company after receiving a tip that I could earn a windfall easily. However due to my folly and naiveness, all my money is gone in a flash. In addition, the money also belong to my wife. I have not tell her about it because I am really afraid of what might happen to me after I tell her.

-Sir, how much did you lose?

-Honestly, I normally I would not tell all this to a complete stranger I have met for the first time. However somehow i feel very comfortable and willing to share all my troubles with you. Maybe it is caused by the beer…$300,000. $300,00… Where am I supposed to look for this huge amount?

-Wouldn't working for a couple of years solve your problem?

-Of course not. I just got married last year. The money is saved by both my wife and I to pay for our house after scrimping and saving. We have been together for 10 years and this money was saved by us for 10 years. 10 whole years, how am I supposed to earn that amount suddenly? My monthly income is only a measly $3,000! I would need at least 5 and a half year to earn it back.

The man started to break down after downing his beer.

-Don't worry Sir. Here at the Life bar, we have the perfect solution to your problem.


-Your life span is 95 years and the price for a year is $36,000. Seeing that you love your wife so much, the price has been increased and you will be given $40,000, $4,000 more per year. So with 8 years, you can receive $320,000, with an extra $80,000 for your to renovate your house nicely and bring your wife on a nice holiday trip..


-Of course. Here is the contract.

[Life Contract]

Name: Thomas Rick Loh

Offering: 8 Years

Receiving: $400,000



-Please place your finger here after pricking it with the needle. After you have done so, the money will be transferred to your bank account.

-You know my bank account number?

-No. You have to tell me what it is after you sign the contract.

-Ah. Okay.

[+8 years]

[Lifespan] -42 years


[Total life span: 87 years | Cause of Death: Natural]

-Where the fuck is this place?

-Good day Sir, you are currently at the Life Bar.

-Is this a fucking dream? I was drinking at the park. Why the fuck am I suddenly at a Bar?

-Sir, here is your beer.

-Beer? Is it free?

-Of course, it is on the house.

-Count me in! HAHAHA.

The disheveled man walked towards the counter and picked up the beer and started to chug it down.

-Ahhh. Good beer. Get me another.

-No problem Sir.

Chrono refilled the mug and started to chat with the disheveled man.

-So your wife left you because your business failed?

-Ya. That bitch. When my business was successful, the only thing she knew was to spend my money on branded goods. The moment my business started to be in the red and i stopped giving her money to spend, she started to treat me coldly and ultimately left me when my business went bankrupt.

-Would you give up your life in exchange for money?


-Your total lifespan is 87 years. The market rate is $30,000 per year. So if you decide to give up 10 years, you will receive $300,000.

-$30,000 per year? You kidding me? I earn $10,000 a month last time. Give me $100,000 a year and i might consider.

-Sir, currently you are not working and have 0 income. No one will give you $100,000 a year.

- $50,000 a year. 50% discount. At least this amount and I will consider. How bout it?

-Give me a moment Sir, I will contact my boss and ask for his opinion.

Chrono went to the room and did 100 push-ups, wiped of the sweat from exercising before he reappeared back at the bar.

-Sir, my Boss said that $50,000 is not possible. The maximum amount he is willing to offer is $40,000. What do you think?

-$40,000… What is the maximum number of years I can sell?

-Any amount is possible as long as you are willing to sell it.

-10 years for $500,000!


-Sir, 10 years is $400,000 not $500,000.

-Ah right. Whatever...

[Life Contract]

Name: Lim Teng Kwee

Offering: 10 Years

Receiving: $400,000



-Please place your finger here after pricking it with the needle. After you have done so, the money will be transferred to your bank account.

-Which one?

-Which one do you want me to transfer it to?

-Hmm… Any is fine.

-Okay, then please give me your bank account number.

-You don't know?

-How would I know? It is my first time meeting you…


[+10 years]

[Lifespan] -32 years



[Name] Chrono Feldman (Dead but alive)

[Lifespan] -32 years



Ability to shorten one's lifespan and transfer the number of years to a target or increase one's lifespan by receiving a specific number of years from a target's lifespan.


Power/Strength - 10 +

Intelligence - 30 +

Speed - 24 +

Agility - 26 +

Stamina - 15 +

Luck - 50

Charm/Charisma - 29

Recovery - E

Control/Accuracy - D


- (A shop where a person's desire can be fulfilled)

- LV2 (Ability to see target's lifespan and cause of death)

- (Somewhere to store all the random junk)

- LV1 (What new skills will you obtain?)

- Increase the basic stats by *10 for 10 minutes

- See everything within a 5 metre radius


[Quest Log]

Use a million times. (Reward: Unlock LV3)

Purchase 10 stat points. (Reward: 1 x Lucky Draw)