Chapter 045: Level 2 Dungeon (I)

I wonder how long it will take for my second companion to awaken.

Just as Chrono recalled that Fei said that the timing for each companion to awaken varies, the card appeared on the back of his right hand and shattered. Countless squiggly lines started to slither around the skull and an ouroboros circled the evil looking skull.

In mid-air, a cute little snake with angelic looking wings appeared and started to fly around Chrono's head.

Name: Yuki

Level: 0 (Exp to next level: 1,000)

Skills: Viscous Goo I

"Oh my gosh! So cute!" Chrono blurted out when he saw the snowy white snake appear before him.

However, the moment the word "cute' was mentioned, Yuki hissed out loud, opened her cute little jaw and attacked Chrono. Ducking the enraged little snake, they started to play a game of tag while Abaddon just stared at them unmovingly.


Level : 2🔽

Companion : Abaddon🔽 & Yuki🔽


[Notice for first timers]:

Non-dungeon items cannot be used in the dungeon.

Dungeon items can only be brought out upon completion of the whole dungeon.

Escape portal will appear on every fifth floor, escape scrolls can be dropped by monsters.

Death will render the dungeon inaccessible for a week.

Companions can be revived at "Fountain of Life" found randomly in the dungeon.

Coins can be looted from monster corpses.

Items can be obtained from monster corpses.

Companion's information can be obtained from companion's tattoo.

After reading the notice, Chrono appeared in a rectangular dark and damp cave. At the end of the cave was a staircase going down. Summoning Abaddon and Yuki, Chrono looked at their status screen as he walked down the stairs.


Level: 24 (Exp to next level: 15,020)

Race: Titans

Classification: Giants

Evolution possible:

Tiny Titan - Titan - Colossus Titan - Supreme Titan - Titan Overlord

Offensive Power: 2400

Defensive Power: 1000

Vitality: 4800/4800

Mana: -/-


Fist of destruction II (Passive)

Cold hard fist that destroys everything in their way.

*A giant with unknown origins.



Level: 1 (Exp to next level: 1,000)

Race: Winged Serpents

Classification: Reptile

Evolution possible:

Two Wings Serpent - Four Wings Serpent - Six Wings Serpent - Eight Wings Serpent - Ten Wings Serpent

Offensive Power: 10

Defensive Power: 10

Vitality: 100/100

Mana: 100/100


Viscous Goo I (Maximum stack: 5) (Mana cost: 10)

Covers a target in goo; causing it to have reduced armor and movement speed.

*The only type of snake that has the ability to soar in the sky.

Looks like Yuki is a good fit for Abaddon. Considering that she can slow down enemies and increase the amount of damage that Abaddon inflicts on the enemy.

Reaching the end of the flight of stairs, started his exploration of this new dungeon. A HP (Vitality) and MP (Mana) bar floated above both Abaddon and Yuki and the first monster they encountered were sewer rats.

Sewer Rats

Level: 10

Vitality: 100

Offensive Power: 100

Defensive Power: 10


Poison Bite (10%) (Passive)

Inflict the poison status on an enemy that deals 10 damage per second.

*Sewer rats. Self explanatory.

Abaddon was 14 levels higher than the rats, they could only inflict 1 damage due to Abaddon's high defensive power and one punch was enough to pulverise the sewer rats. As Abaddon bulldozed his way through the first floor, numerous notification appeared.

[Dungeon Coin] x1 obtained.

[Dungeon Coin] x1 obtained.

[Dungeon Coin] x1 obtained.

[Dungeon Coin] x1 obtained

Each sewer rats only dropped one dungeon coin and after exploring the whole of first floor, no items could be found. With nothing left to explore, Chrono proceeded down to the second floor.

Mutated Sewer Rats

Level: 11

Vitality: 150

Offensive Power: 150

Defensive Power: 10


Venom Bite (50%) (Passive)

Inflict the poison status on an enemy that deals 50 damage per second for 5 seconds.

*Mutated sewer rats. Self explanatory.

The mutated sewer rats with only an increase of offensive power by 50 was not able to inflict anything more than 1 damage to Abaddon. Venom bite was activated every now and then and they were also stackable causing Abaddon to lose a huge chunk of health when they were attacked by a group of mutated sewer rats. However, [HP potion] which heals 100 vitality could be obtained from the mutated sewer rats at a 50% drop rate. By the time Chrono cleared the second floor, Yuki had reached level 2 with 500 exp left to level 3.

The low level monsters were no threat to Abaddon and within an hour, Chrono cleared all the way to the 5th floor. Till this point in time, Yuki still haven't done a single thing other than being coiled up on Chrono's head as she cheered Abaddon on.

Poisonous Spider

Level: 12

Vitality: 200

Mana: 100

Offensive Power: 150

Defensive Power: 20


Venom Bite (50%) (Passive)

Inflict the poison status on an enemy that deals 50 damage per second for 5 seconds.

Spider web shot (Mana cost: 10)

Root an enemy for 1 second.

*A poisonous spider found in the Jungle of Twevd.

Mutated Poisonous Spider

Level: 13

Vitality: 250

Mana: 150

Offensive Power: 150

Defensive Power: 50


Venom Bite (50%)

Inflict the poison status on an enemy that deals 50 damage per second for 5 seconds.

Spider web shot (Mana cost: 10)

Root an enemy for 3 seconds.

*A corrupted poisonous spider found in the Jungle of Twevd.


Level: 14

Vitality: 300

Mana: 200

Offensive Power: 200

Defensive Power: 50


Double strike (Mana cost: 10)

Attack twice with your weapon.

Cry for help (50% health)

Attract the attention of nearby allies to assist you.

*A weak and frail race that preys on small animals. Tends to move around in a group to hunt for food.

On the 5th floor, there was a portal beside the staircase leading to the 6th floor. As he was not sure whether he would be able to re-enter the dungeon after exiting, Chrono decided not to risk it and he descended down the stairs instead. What greeted him was a stall in the middle of a rectangular room. Walking up to the stall, he saw a robot manning the stall.

"Welcome to the dungeon store. What would you like to purchase?" The robot say in a robotic voice.

[Dungeon Store]

HP Potion (100 Vitality) - 10 Gold

MP Potion (100 Mana) - 10 Gold

Large HP Potion (1000 Vitality) - 150 Gold

Large MP Potion (1000 Mana) - 150 Gold

Seeing that there was nothing else except potions, Chrono bought two large HP potion; said thanks and proceeded on towards the 6th floor.


Unlike the first five floors, where there were only a single type of monsters, the 6th floor had two types of monsters. First were the Goblins found on the 5th floor and the others were elite goblins.

Elite Goblin

Level: 15

Vitality: 350

Mana: 300

Offensive Power: 250

Defensive Power: 100


Triple strike (Mana cost: 20)

Attack thrice with your weapon.

Cry for help (50% health)

Attract the attention of nearby allies to assist you.

Dagger throw (10% bleed) (Mana cost: 10)

Throw a dagger and hope that it hits and inflict the bleeding status (minus 100 health per second for 10 seconds).

*A goblin that evolved after killing numerous small animals.There will only be a single elite goblin in each group acting as a leader. Tends to move around in a group to hunt for food.

As per the first five floors, Abaddon "one punch, one kill" the goblins, regardless whether they were elites or not and cleared the floor easily. did not activate a single time as the goblins were killed instantaneously.

On the 7th floor, a new kind of goblin was introduced.

Elite Soldier Goblin

Level: 16

Vitality: 400

Mana: 400

Offensive Power: 300

Defensive Power: 200


Chain strike (Mana cost: 30)

Attack with your weapon five times.

Cry for help (Activated before dying)

Attract the attention of nearby allies to assist you.

Phalanx (Activated after )

A military formation that adds up the offensive and defensive power of elite soldier goblins as one.

*An elite goblin that wore armor and trained in formations to defend against stronger enemies that invaded their land.

What the heck? So dramatic!

Chrono witnessed the fearsomeness of group power the moment Abaddon killed a single elite soldier goblin. As he laid on the floor, the elite soldier goblin struggled up and activated with his dying breath.

Elite Soldier Goblin Phalanx (10 goblins)

Level: 20

Vitality: 4,000

Mana: 4,000

Offensive Power: 3,000

Defensive Power: 2,000



Hold your ground and defend your position.


Travel in a single direction in formation.

Charge (Mana cost: 100)

Charge at an enemy and skewer them with your spears (1000 damage)

*An elite soldier goblin formation.

The phalanx stood unmovingly as spears pointed at Abaddon threatingly and they used the skill when they saw Abaddon running at them. This time, Yuki played her part and used on elite soldier goblin phalanx causing their speed to slow down suddenly. Abaddon side stepped the charge and evaded it at the last moment as they rushed pass him. With their backs exposed, Abaddon punched twice, causing two elite soldier goblin in the phalanx to die. Shortly after, elite soldier goblin phalanx was killed.

[Dungeon Coin] x100 obtained.