Chapter 48: Forgotten

Chrono bought a ten jerky and ten spring water to be kept as emergency ration if he is not able to buy any food or water. Exiting The Arena, Chrono found himself on the branches of the tree that he previously was on.

Scouting the island for a few minutes, Chrono could not find a single soul left on the island. Thankful that there were a few speed boats docked at the harbour, if not he would definitely be stranded on the island for a few more days.


"HEADLINE NEWS: Pirate syndicate found and caught. 13 dead captives and over a hundreds injured and traumatised. "

On every news station, the incident about the pirates killing people on board the yacht and kidnapping of the females were reported. On the main news channels, the police were commended for their fast and decisive response. Whereas on the web, the mysterious man that appeared way before the police arrived on the pirate's island was trending on many forums.


Oblivious to the commotion that he caused, Chrono reached the hospital after washing up and changing out of his dirty and bloody clothes. After enquiring about their wards at the receptionist, Chrono knocked on the door while carrying a basket of fruits.

"How's your leg?" Chrono asked Shane as he entered the room.

"I'm fine, the wound isn't very deep. You went to see Tiffany already?" Shane asked when he see only one basket of fruits in Chrono's hand.

"Not yet, came to check on you then i'm going over."

"Then why do you only have one basket of fruits?"

"Because I only bought for Tiffany?" Chrono replied as if Shane asked a dumb question.

"What about me?" Shane complained.

"But you just said you are fine. You don't need fruits man." Chrono smacked Shane's injured thigh and laughed evilly as Shane winced in pain.


"Hello Auntie." Chrono greeted respectfully when he saw a middle-aged lady dabbing Tiffany's face with a damp cloth.

"Oh Chrono. To think that I would be meeting you again because Tiffany is in the hospital again. What a troublesome girl…" Tiffany's mum sighed and lamented.

"Please do not blame Tiffany, I was the one who invited her to the party which resulted in this. I am really very apologetic that this happened."

With Chrono promising to stay and look after Tiffany, Tiffany's mother decided to go home and take a rest and prepare home cook food for Tiffany to consume when she wakes up. Chrono took out his phone and tried to contact Mina who have not contacted him at all.

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is currently not in use…"

What? Why is it not in use? Did she change her number?

When he was about to redial the number, Tiffany started to stir and regain consciousness. Chrono immediately toss the matter to the back of his mind and pressed the button that was by the side of the bed to call for the doctor-in-charge. On the other hand, Chrono2 was busy scouring the hospitals for potential customers.


[Name] Chrono Feldman

[Lifespan] 15 years (+14 years)


"Dad, why are we going back to America? I came here to look for Chrono! It's been ages since I last saw him. Didn't you promise that I can study in NTU?" Mina complained.

"I said okay to you because I did not know that. Now that I know, I definitely won't let that happen. End of discussion! Go and pack your belongings now. We are leaving tonight." Mina's dad did not even look up at Mina as he continued to do his work.

"Dear, be a good girl. Let's not bother your dad when he is busy." Mina's mum tried to pull her out of the study room.

"You are a tyrant!" Mina shouted and stomped out of the room.

After the mother and daughter was gone, Akira picked up his phone and instructed his secretary to make sure that Mina do not have any more contact with Chrono.


"Young master, there is some news for you." the butler approached Legin who was gazing lovingly at the human sized cardboard cutout of Mina.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm talking to my future wife? How dare you interrupt me!"

"There is good news regarding your wife." The butler responded to Legin's holler unhesitatingly.

Hearing that there is good news of Mina, Legin turned towards the butler immediately and tossed the cardboard cutout away from him. After all, Legin is obsessed and delusional but not stupid. Good news of Mina might lead him to having the real Mina and it is a million times better than the cupboard cutout.

"What is it? Quick! Spit it out!" Legin hurried his butler.

"Mina has amnesia and lost her memory of her time with Chrono."

"What is this? Who cares if she remembers a dead person or not? It doesn't matter. How dare you make a fuss out of nothing!" The enraged Legin shouted.

"Just a moment, this leads to the other news that I need to inform you. Apparently, Chrono isn't dead. He is still alive." The butler placed a few photos of the pictures taken by one of the henchman.

"How can it be? Then who is the person that we killed?" Legin asked dumbfoundedly.

"We are still in the process of checking it. However, you tossed away the only clue which had which was the head of Chrono after Mina slapped you."


"Shit, I need to deal with this. Call for an emergency meeting with all the executive now!"


"All is good. Her vitals and other measurements are all stable. She can be discharged tomorrow as long as everything is normal." The doctor said to Chrono and left with the nurses as he had other patients to attend to.

"Glad that you are…"

Before Chrono could finish his sentence, he who was standing beside the bed was hugged tightly by Tiffany. She hugged him tightly and buried herself into his bosom. On the other hand, Chrono was in a daze and his hands were placed awkwardly floating behind Tiffany's back, not knowing what to do. Looking down at Tiffany, his gaze met hers. Tiffany's breathing quickened and she closed her eyes as her mouth waited like a question. Chrono's heart beat faster and faster as Tiffany's face came up to his own. His floating hands subconsciously rested on Tiffany's slender neck and around her slim waist. He knew that when he kissed this girl, and wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God. The face of his childhood crush flashed across his mind, but the temptation and burning desire that is happening right now was too great and overpowered his logical choice.


"Chrono! I'm here!" Shane declared as he sat on the wheelchair and opened the door with a bang.

The lips that were barely touching separated so fast and the two parties involved panicked as they removed themselves from each other and looked elsewhere awkwardly. Luckily the curtain was half drawn and what happened was not witnessed by Shane.

"Wew, you scared me. Don't you know how to knock?" Chrono whose face was as bright as a tomato said.

"Does it really matter? Why is your face so red? Were the two of you doing some hanky panky stuff like kissing?"

"No. Of course not! Why would I kiss Tiffany? There's nothing on between us!." Chrono panicked and refuted Shane immediately.

When Tiffany heard what Chrono said, she glared at Shane because he disrupted the perfect moment that they almost had. Chrono and Tiffany then acted like nothing happened until the visiting hours were over.