Blind Hope

The clanging of the cell door echoed down the hall. The first tournament of the season would be starting soon.

I have just turned 16 by Human years. Our years here are longer than theirs. We have lived for millions of years slowly changing to an environment that was unsuitable to the Human race, and the time they came with promises of help is long past. The rebellion of the Sky, a distant and dreamed of time, by those of us who have not been broken.

The adults say that such dreams of rebellion are treason and childish. When I acted on those dreams I was deemed to be in the tournaments, by force.

It seems the Humans have forgotten how hard it is to force a Sky to do anything they don't want to. After all, we can fly. Soar, the air tickling the sensitive and tender skin hidden beneath two layers of soft down feathers. We appear like humans in most ways but we have wings and are faster. Though we are harmed much easier then they.

After sitting in this cell for an hour, a human measurement of time. They had explained to our ancestors, a measurement of the passing of the sun, they said. The Hummans do not live as long as the Sky. Though the life span of those who have lived here for many of their generations are supposedly longer than they once were.

The excitement of trying to raise a small rebellion against the humans had worn off and the fear of the consequences had settled deep in my bones. Soon I would fight an Human or Sky who had trained all their life to compete in these tournaments. The terms that determine the winner will be announced by a human leader. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

As my parents have said to my teachers, "I am blind; there for it is impossible for me to see the reality that we are conquered."

For my people, it is not unusual for a new born to be blind. All Sky are born blind. By our first year, we have gained our sight in full. It seems I am to be though of as a new born my entire life.

The sound of approaching footsteps penetrated my brooding. My thoughts, my only company, in this cold cell. The squeal of a cell door to my left sent the icy fingers of fear crawling down my spine.

"Get up." Commanded a gruff voice followed by the sounds of a swift kick and grunts of pain. "It's time to get your gear and look pretty for gals out in the stands. Cause that's the only way you'll live through the opening tournament."

"Why's it supposed ta be more difficult than usual?" Came a slurred question.

"Cause we have the Solar Senate visiting for the tournament. There are a lot of boys looking to prove themselves capable of protecting the rich ta get outa this dump. Now, get a move on. I have a Blind Sky ta get ta after I finish escorting your highness to the bathing chambers." The gruff and worrying comment was soon followed by the clanking of chains and a shuffling of feet that receded down the hall way.

All too soon I could hear the sound of approaching footsteps. The footsteps stopped at what must be the door to my cell. The clank of keys as the guard found the one he was searching for. A, unlocking of a door that seemed to take hours when in reality it took only a few seconds. Fallowed by, the creak of the door opening and the continued approach of light footsteps.

"So… you're awake. Well stand up, we need to get you cleaned up and equipped. Normally we'd test ya first but there's no time for that," commanded the gruff voice from earlier.

I felt the cold stone with my hands and tried to stand up, but hit something causing it to clatter to the ground. "You haven't eaten! We'll great if there's time well fix that. Come on, your schedule just keeps getting more full with less time ta do it all."

"I…I need help. I can't see and keep bumping into things." Came my stuttered plea before I could stop myself and remember the rules of an imprisoned Sky; I am not to speak because the sound of a Sky's voice is slightly hypnotic to humans, and not all are equipped with the correct protection.

"Shut it" Commanded the gruff voice with emphasis from a burning kick to my ribs. I felt callused hands grab my arm and yank it up. Before I could think my body followed automatically. The familiar gesture of being guided distracting me from my impending future as a fighter in the tournaments.

After being bathed the guard led me to the equipment room. I could hear laughter from the other side of the door as we approached it. "Stay put", my fears of what was on the other side of the door making me shiver without the guards reassuring touch. The squeal of the door brought a deafening silence to the other side. The guard called out, "move it: I have ta get a VIP guest equipped."

"Why should we?" came an annoyed call form the rooms occupants.

"Because the kids blind and it's the right thing to do you idiot." Came out a voice I knew all too well, he was the champion of the torments, Tenor.

"I… I'm f..fiine I don't n…neeed special treatment."

"If you can't keep your mouth shut, we'll have to find a more permanent solution."

Fear coursed through me. I started to open my mouth, caught myself and nodded.

"Good. Follow me."

This time he didn't guide me so I followed the sound of his footsteps. When we reached what must be the other end of the room. I was asked to pick my weapon. I reached out and ran my hands lightly across various weapons before deciding on a set of two long thin blades. After trying on many types of armor I settled on a smooth light fabric that the guard tells me is black and not really armor. I feel more comfortable in it than armor. Since my match was fourth, the guard found me some food to eat as I waited on a bench. All the disgusting meat sandwich did was make my stomach worse.

The bench groaned under the added weight of someone sitting next to me. "So kid what's your name, a traditional Sky name or human?" asked Tenor. He paused waiting for a reply that can't come. "Well my first bout is with a Sky named Jaspare if he makes it through his first two bouts." He said with a gibe.

I felt a chill run down my spine. If my brother won his first two bouts he would be up against Tenor. My twin would be sentenced to death by that bout even if he lives through the others. All thanks to my parents making him give a blood oath to watch out for me. He tried to tell me that I shouldn't rebel by protesting and stopping people who attacked others, because of their race, but I ignored him. Now, I will have gotten us both killed thanks to my stubbornness.

"Yeah I'm up against him to show that rebelling is a waste of energy. Don't you agree?"

I was quiet. My brother had claimed to have led the rebellion so that I would have a chance to be free and try again the way my brother had said to. By earning respect and proving that we are a civilized people.

The guard returned. "It's time. Good luck."