Go Team!

"You mean... get kidnapped, right?" Michelle looked at Waze with a doubtful expression, and everyone looked like the gears were turning hard in their brains.

"Yeah, pretty much." Waze nodded as if what she had just said was perfectly normal.

"No! No way! I'm not letting you girls put yourselves in that much danger." Duke shook his head back and forth as if he was shaking off the thought.

"For once, I'm with the red head. That's way too dangerous." Collin frowned in Waze's direction.

"It's the only way. When we all agreed to do this, we knew we were signing up for something dangerous. This isn't play time, this is real stuff. Real danger. This is what we have to do if we really wanna go through with this." Waze's expression was stern and serious as she spoke.

"Alec, you're the mastermind, right? What do you think?" James turned to Alec who was deep in thought. All the girls were strangely silent, considering this directly concerned them.

"As much as I hate it, it probably is our best bet. I really don't like it, though. They won't be gentle with you. You don't know what could happen to you." Alec looked at Waze. She knew what he was saying though, if she was really prepared to go through with this, then he would support her.

"It's what we have to do." Waze stood her ground.

"I'm with Waze on this one. I don't like the idea, but it's our best bet." Marco turned to the girls. "But, I get that you all probably don't want to do it. It's crazy after all, so I don't blame you if-"

"You doubt us, Marco." Cassidy grinned. "I'm in. Let's drag those bastards through the dirt."

"Me too. I didn't agree to help just to sit by, useless." Michelle winked at Waze.

"I-I want to help to! I'll go with Waze and stuff!" Byrd smiled enthusiastically at Waze, and all the guys seemed particularly surprised at her words.

"I'm in," Sable said in agreement. "I'm sure we can handle ourselves."

Marco sighed in defeat.

"Well, there you have it. Guess they're doing it." Marco let out a heavy laugh.

"What?! We can't just let them waltz right up into Ebony, can we?" Collin was gritting his teeth in annoyance now.

"Seriously, this is way too much!"

"I'm hurt by your lack of confidence in us, Duke." Michelle grinned. "Don't forget I've beat you quite a few times in training."

"That's right, we're no ordinary girls. All of us are combat trained to the fullest," Cassidy said.

"I don't like it, but if it's what you girls want to do then I'm with it." James nodded. Duke scrunched his face before sighing.

"Fine. I give in. You guys better not get killed."

"I'm seriously going to kill those Ebony bastards once I get my hands on them. You guys better do the same." Collin grinned at the group. With everyone showing support, the room turned to Alec who hadn't yet taken a side. If he said no, that would probably be the final word.

"It is the best option. If the girls can infiltrate Ebony, they can knock out a way for us to get in from the inside. Then, we can go in and take out Egar. Once we've done that, we can force him to let the girls go and then bring the police in to take care of the remaining Ebony members."

"Look who's already got a plan. Geez, we didn't even ask." Waze smirked up at Alec, who started for a second before sighing.

"I guess so. Alright, I'm in." The group smiled at Alec's approval.

"This is really serious stuff, though." Waze could feel her heart pounding just at the thought of it. "We have to decide how we are going to get kidnapped in the first place, though." James spoke upon hearing that.

"When Collin and I were out gathering information, we heard that Ebony's been hanging around a certain shopping mall a bit away from here lately. They'll probs be there tonight, too."

"Tonight? Isn't that a bit soon?" Duke looked at Waze with concern.

"I mean, there's no point in waiting. We might as well." Waze nodded. The group was silent for a minute. The severity of what they were going to do was sinking in.

"We should all go home for now. Us girls will pretty up a bit so we'll be more attractive targets. Remember though, still wear things you can fight in. It'll probably be your outfit for the next couple days." Michelle looked around with a serious look on her face. Alec spoke next.

"Once the girls are gone, us guys will hold down the fort here. Tomorrow night, at midnight, we'll go out to Westgate. I've been looking over some blueprints I found online, there's a back entrance that leads essentially no where. Us guys will wait there for you, I'll show you girls how to get there from all different parts of the casino. I'll make sure you know your way around there pretty well, ok?" The girls all nodded in response.

"Everybody come here, huddle up." Waze gathered everyone into a football style huddle. She looked around at the faces of her teammates.

Duke, who's his fiery hair and personality had always brightened Waze's day. He had shown Waze his weak side, and Waze would always be grateful for his trust.

Marco, who had been standoffish and rude at first, but had eventually opened up to Waze. She considered him one of her closest friends.

Cassidy, a sweet girl who came off as mean at first, but was really just looking for friends. She and Waze had grown so close up till now.

Michelle, who always encouraged Waze like an older sister.

Sable, who supported Waze from the sidelines with her hidden sweet personality.

Byrd, who had confessed her love to Waze and stayed loyal and hardworking ever since.

James, who had been Waze's first real fight. He was now one of the sweetest guys she knew, and would support Waze through anything.

Collin, who was a bit cold and standoffish at times, but still incredibly protective over Waze.

And Alec. Waze's childhood friend Alec. Who held a special place in her heart and always would. He was the mastermind behind their plan, the brains of their operation. He was the only reason they had made it this far. And he would always be there for Waze to lean on, no matter what.

Waze smiled. And there was her. The last member of the team, who tied them all together with her magnetic personality that pushed them all to greater heights. Waze took a deep breath and started speaking.

"You're all my closest friends. Scratch that, you're my only friends. You've supported me up till now, and I can't thank you enough for helping me in this fight too. Ebony is a tough opponent, but with all of us together," Waze grinned, "I'm sure we can take them down."

The group gave Waze a myriad of smiles and grins. Waze put one hand into the center of the circle they had formed. The others gradually did the same, until all of their hands were stacked in the center.

"On three, 'go team'." The group nodded, smiling.

"One, two, three..."

"GO TEAM!" The group dissolved into a cacophony of cheers.