(Prologue) The Observer

Light. All there was, was blinding light. Everything that had been and everything that was going to be was light. There was nothing else.

A world clad in monotony carried only emptiness and loneliness in itself. It was everlasting and without change.

This balance was upheld until creatures of all kinds appeared instantaneously. Their form and shape were various and differed significantly from one to the other. Such presence filled this space with life but the eyes, full of murderous desire, gave off a different note.

Yet, in the next instance, all of them vanished, and the previous serenity returned once more.

Peace and tranquillity resumed their usual routine. It was as if nothing had ever changed because it was not supposed to.

A place with no concept of time is bound by an irremovable fate, but neither the natural order nor the principles that govern this place have been defied. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

With the mystery surrounding this space left unsolved, nothing could be explained and nothing could be gained.

A change in perspective was required to bring forth a change in a world so utterly devoid of any.

Deriving purpose and finding meaning in all of this implicates the existence of a secular view. Due to truth and falsities being the consequence of the beholder's interpretation, they are subjected to values differing greatly.

What some consider of importance may be nothing more than a tiny speck of dirt in the eyes of others. Both can neither be validated nor invalidated by the other, their reality is merely a part of a much bigger construct.

Feelings and emotions are born within and limited to the individual. Knowledge and its burden are transcendental in nature; solely limited by the borders of space it is confined in.

The observer's perception of this world is just as true as the sight his eyes rest on. Many theories and concepts have been brought forth to explain their cryptic origin but no suitable explanation could be found.

Any association with a higher power or a creator can never find full acceptance. The end and the beginning are indiscernible and object of mere speculation.

By utilizing wisdom, explanations of the surroundings are found. Understanding the laws of nature furthers the exploration of the truth to their being.

Met with their own insignificance, they find themselves still drawn forward towards the unknown, because therein lied their purpose.

Lest they are nothing more than a tiny kindle in the wind, trying to fulfil their obligation and shine brightly. Unnoticed they burn and leave no proof behind what they were. Still, life is not lived for a brighter tomorrow, but a better today.

Not knowing what the future holds, they can only form and shape what takes place this very day. Each choice they make, with every passing second, influences their surroundings and enables them to bear witness to a single possibility out of everything that could have been.

Coming together as a collective under the banner of their cause, they will make several proclamations.

We live our lives with our heads held high forever marching forward to the truth we might never know. The destination of our journey and what we witness on it is entirely unknown. Of importance is only whether we take that step or not.

Regardless of the circumstances, life's curtain will close. The actor should never stop aiming for the top and strive to reach the stars. Otherwise, he is condemned to merely be part of the audience and simply watch as everything unfolds right before his eyes.

There is nothing more wasteful than accepting the interchangeable fate and being bound by the shackles of ineptitude. Until the day death closes the curtain and the question of what could and should have been, start to plague the guilty mind.

Time does not care about its actors, there are no correct answers to be found. The only constant is change, nothing is meant to last forever. That is the only rule and the only companion that will stay at your side.

At least, this was something he had always done.

A world clad in monotony carried only emptiness and loneliness in itself. It was everlasting and without change. It was as if nothing had ever changed, because it was not supposed to.

Left behind, was only the Observer, a witness to the birth, and the passing of those creatures. He was not a part of this world full of light. There was no repulsion nor attraction, he was simply present, solely spectating the myriad of changes that occurred in this world.

Silently existing, he saw the appearance of land, water, air, and their disappearance. It was a continuous cycle, that repeated itself with only subtle changes appearing from time to time.

Some were visible to the naked eye, while others could only be speculated about. The sky turned blood red, the water evaporated, clouds appeared and dispersed. The circumstances seemingly followed a certain pattern.

A world full of colors, changes challenging the state of monotony. Everything had changed because a change was needed. Yet, the Observer was still watching the birth and death of this world

Until one fated day when the light faded and the state of monotony ceased to exist. A single entity was trapped in the world shrouded in darkness. There was no light, no change, nothing at all, aside from an eerie silence.

Despite the absence of light, the Observer had never stopped and was just tirelessly experiencing this blackness. Yet, regardless of what he did, he was still not part of this new world. There was a different sensation that he felt for the first time.

It was repulsion, this space was trying to dispose of the foreign matter inside of it. Drifting through the black void, he was still observing and still being the only witness to this world.

He had seen the 2 opposite ends of the spectrum; when it all had begun and when it all came to its conclusion.

Even this state did not last as everything stopped to exist without any prior warning. At that moment, there was just the Observer. Having lost the only mission he wondered, what was he to do, without any purpose?

The answers he found did not satisfy him and after that, for the very first time, he closed his eyes. He hoped to find a new meaning to his existence; slowly drifting away into the all too familiar black.

This was the beginning of a journey and an obligation in a world he knew just too well...