Chaos ensues (2)

TIme was passing ever so slowly. Facing the current unknown situation I was just waiting silently. Seconds turned into hours and there still was no sort of change I could perceive. I kept distracting myself from time to time by watching the equivalent of cat videos in this world. I clicked on the first video in the trends. One would expect something gruesome, something very sinister, but it was way scarier for a very different reason. They were fascinated by the wonders of childbirth. I got to view the process out of so many angles, my experiences could rival a gynaecologist. I am trying to erase the images out of my mind, but there was no use. In my retina, I was envisioning something, that I never imagined being able to stretch that far and quite frankly I never wanted to know either.

At least for that very moment, I truly did not think about my situation, but it came at a very high price. A price. he was not willing to pay a second time. He was currently thinking about switching teams for a good long time but decided against it, as it was better to have an enemy you know than fighting the unknown. After my mind went down the gutter again just imagining it, I clenched my cheeks and wondered how I even ended up in this self-destructing spiral of doubting my own sexuality.

In the end I had to force myself to distract myself yet again, by clicking on the next video in the trends and I did not think that it could get any worse. Yeah, I was wrong. What followed was a video. that was so strange that even the weird side of the Internet looked like a walk in a park in comparison. The music in the background was a mix out of techno, thrash metal, and a yodelling singer. There were humans wearing nothing. They were only clad in tons and tons of baby oil. They were just dancing around a baby doll, that was currently doused in flames. They were making noises, that made me question, whether they truly developed out of apes. They sound they produced was reminding me of the white noise from the TVs. Their movements got stranger and stranger, it seemed like they tried to implement the movement of a elephants trunk as into their demonstration. I saw things going up and down I did not think were made to endure several points of the g-force.

I was left speechless and doubting whether I was still conscious. This must be hell, an ironic punishment, a person. who only helped others, is now watching helplessly as people ruin their lives by sharing their special creations. If there was a way to die due to secondhand embarrassment, probably would have died yet another time. That things were just going round and round, up and down up and down. The different width made a spectacle of flailing pieces of meat, swishing through the air, leaving many different sounds. I never expected to hear that kind of noise in my life. If Nietzsche claimed that God is dead, then now I am quite sure, no sane God would allow something like that to be created. The human flash may decay, but those images will stay. I was shivering, but I could not turn around, I just watched helplessly, blaming myself for getting myself stuck deeper in that rabbit hole. But there was no escape, they came close to the camera. Did you ever see a close-up on that special spot? I unfortunately just did. It secured the first spot on the list of things I do not want to see ever again.

The human race should just be eradicated, that was the general conclusion I came to. Doomsday is dawning on their poor souls, once the gods get access to the Internet they will cleanse this Planet from all that filth. Man can dream and hope they have a decent provider. Yeah who am I kidding, good providers are just a myth.

My whole prior life was in vain and now the last thing I am going to see is THIS. Come on if there is a cycle of reincarnation, I really must have done some fucked up stuff to deserve treatment like that. I am sure after this repentant I will move straight to heaven. I just hope they will erase all my memories beforehand.

Speaking of erasing, shouldn't the server wipe have happened by now? It should have or it is going to happen any moment now.

Now it is going to happen

Now it is really going to happen

Now it will happen for sure.

Now or never.

Never it is then. Technology always does not work when it is required to, just like on Earth. History repeats itself. Out of sheer boredom, I began to randomly click on Holy-Tube videos, but I would never ever click on trending videos. After a random video spree containing videos full of weird stuff, from Ladies in High-heels crushing goblins and one guy who made a drum kit out of the skulls of several creatures. I gotta admit though, that guy had style. Until I stumbled onto something he had been hoping for.

The video was titled "Bring it on "Call me Daddy 2". the fish took the bait, hook line and sinker. If I could see my face, I would guess there a huge smile currently on my face.

" Look at Mr tough guy here, claiming to the very best. How dare you scum, use my family name just to get some sort of attention. I have called you out since the very beginning, but no you never showed up even once. Yet you still have the audacity to still use the DADDY name. Are you not ashamed of being stuck in your own skin? Did your parents drop you when you were just born? I have always stood my ground, making the Daddy family proud and I will continue to do so. So just give me a place, a time and I will be there to kick your ass, that is a promise. I will find you, you can try to hide and run forever, to flee but destiny will still arrive. I WILL KICK YOUR ASS"

A nice 45-second video, which would make for a good promo in wrestling. Now I will just have to leave a nice reply. After all, my parents raised me that way.

" Big words there, big boy. I will be waiting, but bring your friends with you otherwise it is just boring. I will be waiting.

Nah I am kidding, why would I be waiting? In your eyes, I may be shit. But you must understand I am THE SHIT, so keep on sucking each other off and just let the grown-ups do what has to be done.

Sincerely Call Me Daddy 2."

Well, I am sure this nice comment will lead to a nice civil discussion.

"The server is going to shut down in..."







"Server is shutting down... "Seriously this world is just fucked up. But I just can't bring myself to care anymore.

Time to leave this rotten world. I will not miss it for a second.

"Thanks for waiting server is online again."

Wait, what? But nothing happened. Here I was waiting for some end of the world scenario and all I get was a shitty countdown.

Does everything in this world only exist to annoy me? If it is their purpose I gotta admit they are doing a very fine job.

And now those religious nutjobs will join the party again.


Somewhere a coquettish voice could be heard "Finally I will be able to play with my little toy again. She had spent several hours, researching and even resorted to blackmailing the developer to get the whereabouts of her little toy. But it was nowhere to be found. She had been lying in her bed awake with her eyes wide open with a deep craving to see her little toy again. She felt the void in her after the server had to start again. But after what felt like an eternity it was finally back online again. She would turn every stone, search in every crook. She would not stop until she got what's rightfully hers. Logging in she once again returned to the lands she was all too familiar with.


A shiver just ran down my spine. I had the precognition that something bad is going to happen.

And judging by the fact I still can't move a muscle. I don't like that fact one bit.

Regardless there is still no escaping this sheer boredom, but I am looking forward to what those religious nutjobs will do in the craze to get the privilege to be trained by the church. There will be carnage, there will be blood.

Let the games begin.