
In the meantime, there was a girl who had a widely different approach to this topic. Why should she waste so much of her glorious time researching and thinking about such complicated stuff, after all, she had subordinates for that very purpose.

She was keeping herself busy, doing various things. Repeating her magic over and over again to improve the efficiency. Testing how the limits of magic on monsters that have been captured for her sake and were now tormented on daily basis. There was no need to worry, each and everyone could be replaced in a heartbeat.

She was enjoying the anguish that the monsters would feel under her magic. Their shallow breath, the looming threat of death before and the yearning for it afterwards. While monsters are not considered to be intelligent, their acute senses make torture so much more fun and engaging. She remembered her first experiment object fondly, it was just a small Nagant. It is just a little toy for children, but without a doubt it made her realize how much fun and potential magic can have.

Their week and meekly flash helplessly violated by potent magic. Crushed under the mighty potential, lies the corpse twitching helplessly. She will never forget that strange sight. But after spending all too much time on toying with them she noticed, that inside of her she was lacking something. As if there was a gigantic void inside of her. While other children learned not to fear monsters and hatred got installed into them, she felt different, she did not pity any of those monsters nor did she hate them.

They were just a tool to pass the time, a gap-filler for purpose of her life. She thought long and hard about what purpose her life has. Is it to eradicate this world of those monsters, but what comes afterwards? Why is everyone here so delusional to think that everything they do is limited to that one thing? We are Chosen by the Gods, they gave us our magic, make us stronger and yet we have only one goal? What is the next task for us?

" We were Chosen by the Gods, out of all options they chose us. In the eyes of the Gods, our Lives are the most significant, not those monsters. Everything else is insignificant and just dimmers our halo. That is why every monster has to be disposed of at every cost.

And just like monsters, those who do not get recognized by the Gods do not deserve to live in this world. This world needs a cleansing. You have to be willing to offer up every ounce of your being for the favour of the Gods. The magic of the weak, the ones who dare to sully the goodwill of the gods, with their pathetic presence have to cease to exist as well. We have not been chosen to due to the negligence of the gods, it is because this world has been defiled and it is our task to bring it on the right track no matter the cost.

She did not take pleasure in the fact that she was killing these monsters in a gruesome matter, she rejoiced that she was helping the monsters to make amendments for all the time their presence has tarnished this world. She saw herself as an emissary.

The gods are magnanimous, all you have to do is repent. Suffer in agony, until you are ready to be embraced by the Gods again. For they are our guides. Depending on the level of sin, she assigned each creature she chose her the length of a redemption session. She was doing the right thing, she was doing them a favour. It was that very purpose that was able to fill the gigantic void in her body.

While the others could only prove their worth by following orders, she showed her worth by fulfilling the Gods will without being told to. A faithful servant of the Gods has to act for them, even without being told to.

Pure devotion is the only way to repay the Gods grace. That is why she had so much respect for the Company that designed "Primal Survival", those people are preparing the next Generation to serve the Gods. Each and every man was devoted and put their lives on the line on the frontlines. They have lost many things they hold dear. But they did not give in. they created something that helps to sanctify everyone.

They created a simulation, so that even the weakest most pitiful person, can learn how to fight those monsters. With every mistake, you redeem yourself little by little. You get stronger, surpassing your limitations and take on stronger enemies. Each virtual monster you fight prepares you to kill the real ones. You are coming closer and closer to the ideal devotee.

The time she spent roaming that simulated worlds were truly blissful, the world was thriving. Blood, sweat and tears, all that spent effort. The enticing rewards promised by The Churches, adding fuel to the fiery passion. Everything was perfect until that thing appeared.

I despise it, how can anything in this world reject the grace of the Gods. How does it dare to oppose magic itself? Its whole existence is an affront. This beast does not even stop at taking the shape of us, Chosen Ones. It just scoffs at everyone and everything, as if everyone is beneath, even the heavens themselves.

Such conduct, while being so inferior. Why is something like that allowed to exist in the first place? It deserves to suffer an endless nightmare of pain and torment. For such a thing, there is no salvation, all it can do is suffer for all eternity to appease the Gods.

The worst thing is, that this creature was created by a Chosen One, I am really curious, who would have the guts to do something like that. How vile, do you have to be foster thoughts like that? What kind of sick twisted excuse of Chosen One are you, filthy scum.

Her subordinates should be bringing in the updates on the culprits and she could not wait to guide them on their path to forgiveness. She was not forced to wait for very long before a man appeared in front of her dressed in black.

"What took you so long, did you dare to sleaze of, just because it is an easy task for you?"

" No, miss we would not dare" the men, said in an emotionless voice."

" I do not want excuses, I just what want answers, who caused this abomination?"

" We conducted several thorough investigations, but there is not enough conclusive evidence that points to a specific person" before his boss would explode he began to explain " At first we just thought, that some madman designed, so we asked those technicians nicely about it. After some torture and hostages here and there we were told, that no one of them knew of it existing in the first place. They were told to stay quiet because it works as an attraction to Chosen Ones left and right.

"So we followed the trail and noticed that even under agony those people were swearing that the Technicians did not tell them about their invitation. That trail was a total downfall, even after we tranquillized them and used magic to search their memories no actual evidence was found. Just gibberish. But of course, we did not leave any traces behind and erased their memories.

We decided to focus on the source of the video, but due to the status of our target, we had to choose a different approach when usual. the target let us willingly search through her memories but demanded we erase the memory of that creature. After conducting a thorough memory search, we could verify several things. First of all, that monster exists without a doubt, secondly, the video that was taken by her does depict the true terror of this being. Everything about it did do not fit our cultural norm, it is something that no sane human person could come up. I can not judge how strong that kind of creature is or how strong it can become"

" Following the procedure, we traced one last rumour, that showed an uncanny resemblance to that creature. It was about an NPC who had a strange fighting style and did not have any feeling of magic to it like our previous subject. We inquired whether the scion of the Glacie family was sure about her observations, but after seeing the men fight we could confirm that the feeling was different but yet felt as foreign. Though both of the cases seem to be linked it is unlikely that both of them are the same creature. After all, an abomination cannot take the form of a human, that would go against the natural order set by the Gods"

The young miss did not show any kind of reaction at first, her subordinates were fearing that they did not do their job properly and prepared to take on the upcoming punishment. But to their surprise, nothing like that came true.

" You are excused, please leave the room", even though from the outside her demeanour may seem calm, but not having found a culprit made her feel really bad. Every other second such a creature exists, her hard work would become undone.

Despite all the knowledge, she could obtain, she still felt like she was missing something. A huge piece of the puzzle was currently looming over her head. She had forgotten about something, something that made big waves some time ago but disappeared as fast as it came. What is this uneasy feeling I get while pondering about this particular topic?

If she finds herself stuck in a train of thought, she will usually guide some monsters to their salvation. Out of habit, she looked at the current news surrounding "Primal Survival" and then it hit her like a train. She forgot about a certain someone, that referred to himself/herself as an envoy. Call me Daddy2, whenever or wherever that name shows up, a trail of destruction is going to appear. But sadly behind that nickname was a real person, not a simple creation. The real nuisance hid behind that nickname.

Yet even after exhausting all her options, there was not a single trace. No one has seen the face behind it. no one knows any potential whereabouts. It was just, that every promise that this horrifying voice spoke, came true. Each word was daunting because deep down everybody knew they would come true. She quickly shoved her previous questions aside and began to focus on Call me Daddy2, because it's a real threat, not a stupid design that can be deleted in a heartbeat.

Even though she wanted to do something good for the gods, they will not be troubled by something so insignificant that cannot even hurt a fly of this world. After all its impact was limited to the simulation, it was stuck in and if the investigations are correct it is just a malfunction of machines. So why should she bother with it anymore, no that the real trouble appeared? Call me Daddy2 requires all her attention because the outcome will be damaging and she has to do the best she can do to contain that result.

She breathed slowly to calm down and brace for the storm that was about to come. But after clicking on the link, she felt a bit strange.

"I promised to bring peace

but what did I release?

An envoy of the Gods

unleashed something long forgot,

Its purpose derived of any meaning

just a part of the screening.

Prove your worth when times are dire

that is something everyone should aspire

But times are about to change

The victory is in range

The downfall of filth, the last offence

forever onward, that is my commence."

What happened, Call me Daddy2 did not speak with rhymes before. She scrolled down and saw it.

If you doubt me, why have I chosen to write in rhymes, those are not my words, these are the words the Gods told me to convey.

She was sure this message will create utter mayhem.