A better choice

As others were busy contemplating the ins and out of the caves. A certain ant queen was struggling to accept what kind of being she is bonded to. When her host was not busy trying to kill himself in various ways or stating ridiculous demands, he is behaving really strange. Why would a being, who is capable of forming such treacherous strategies, dig in the ground for such a long time without any breaks?

He clearly knew that my ants would do that without hesitation, instead, he did it anyway. If there is a purpose to it, she would like to know it. Because in her eyes, there can be no reason at all.

And do not get started on his weaponry. If you can command an army, why would you choose heavy rocks as your weapon? Staying in the shadows is enough. Millions of loyal subordinates, there is absolutely no need to fight on the frontlines. He would just have to stay safe and take advantages out the sheer number advantage, but no, due to his reckless nature, she was forced to constantly help with nurturing his wounds.

A sensation of pain is normally meant as a warning but he takes it as some sort of twisted motivation to actively seek it. Truly sickening is the fact, that only the smallest amount of those wounds were inflicted by monsters. The cruellest wounds were done by himself and he was even smiling when he was mutilating himself. Repetitively targeting the same spot over and over again what was his aim?

She could not fathom, why he would go through such unnecessary torture. If he wanted to change his body structure, he just could have asked for it. He just trains his body without any kind of break and it forces us to heal him back by rapidly producing new cells. Normally a human body is limited due to mana influence. But his body has no limiter in that regard, its response to stimulation is to grow.

He compressed his muscles piece, by piece until he was as small as he was before. Yet his weight had not changed. Inside that small body of his, is the same strength as in that walking mountain of flesh. Regardless of how much strength the human flesh has, magic will just kill him before he even can come close. So why does he keep on training his body?

He should have realized by now, that even though his body is capable of absorbing parts of the magic that hits his body, the magic still ends up hurting him. It takes more and more energy just to create a more durable body. That huge amount of ants acts much more like a delivery chain than an actual army.

It is no wonder, that he just attracts trouble left and right because his body acts like a bottomless pit. The amount of energy his body needs is out of this world. He is always stimulating his body, forcing it to grow and then compressing it afterwards again. But after doing this for quite some time, he ran into a little bit of trouble, the whole underground stopped regenerating out of the sudden. So he was stuck in his training session and was forced to train, while the rest of the ants spread all over the map to gather the necessary energy.

He did not consider or did not care about all the consequences. So my ants began to clear the soil everywhere they went. The result was this whole cave system, that was devoid of any more soil. He had planned to dig even deeper at first, but the soil underneath crushed his hand as he was testing the pressure. That was the moment he refused to further improve his body for the meantime.

To top it all off, the gloves, I spent so much time on producing are now placed aside, because he is not strong enough to use them yet. That monstrous body and all that training are still not enough to wield the weapon he wanted. Right now he is just barely able to lift it and yet he has the gall to actually smile when wearing them.

He swatched the idea for a new kind of ant for a product that he has no use for as of now. A problem that plagued me all the time was solved by him in mere seconds and yet all he wants is that kind of product. It is supposed to be a mutual exchange of equal value. But he insists on stuff like that, I just can't call this kind of behaviour sane. I would rather say that my host is a delusional psychopath.

Right now he is keeping himself busy, by punching into something over and over again. There is not one thing that can be considered normal about him at all.

She wondered how much different and easier her life would have been if her host would not be as insane and mad as her current partner in crime. Even though it may sound like he is just useless, I am unable to deny that his approach is something fresh. He walks a path that this world has not seen. If he does not end up burning himself and most likely he will, then I am quite curious what kind of monstrosity he can become.

Living a stable life may be of importance if your existence was of any value in the first place. Though in this world would care for them. would anyone shed a tear for them? They are just a bunch of misfits with no place to call home. An existence that was doomed to fail from the start, yet even though he does know that is all he will ever amount to, he moves on forward regardless.

If you ignore the parts, where he is an emotional wreck, he seems to be a somewhat good host. Of course they every alternative would include a monster, that would die upon encountering a player.

It was not the body that was the problem, it was the character and brain that were attached to it. Did they use all their luck for a body of that kind and so they were punished with such a character?

She was torn between wanting to know how his thought process or not wanting to know because she liked to keep her sanity. Everything would be a lot easier if they could converse with each other and actually understand one another. Right now they were communicating by using gestures.

What was going on in this irrational brain of his? What experiences did he make to actually develop in that way? How much different does he view the world?

But the host just continued to distract himself by punching and training without an end. It was a hunch but sometimes it felt like he was not whole. He was missing something, that would be forever out of reach, no matter how strong his longing was. But that feeling disappeared as soon as it appeared.

While he was busy training a faithful day came, a team of players appeared. But yet he ordered me to let these weak magicians scouts our current hideout. What is he thinking? As one single player was attracted by the noise spectacle my host was responsible for. He kept approaching him talking down to him, but her host was not bothered by it. It was as if he truly did not care about the opinion of others. Even if he does not understand the language, his bearing, his body language the tone of his voice are all telltale signs for that.

He still ignores him and only turns around to crack his nose, while spectating the reaction of the player. It took only a few seconds before the player crumbled on the floor. How did that player die? What kind of stunt did my host pull off now?

Her host just moved his hand a little then turned around to move towards his next prey. There was no change in expression. As if everything he just did was nothing special. He did not voice another order but the ant queen followed him regardless.

She continued to observe, but her host just walked up to them without any care in the world and always moved his hand slightly before the enemy would succumb to him. Same approach same result, over and over again. After every enemy had been eradicated, he stared into the void a small sigh left his mouth. He muttered something before returning back to his usual practice.

The queen did not have any idea, how he could kill all these players with next to no movement. She searched the body of a recently deceased player but did not find any wound that would explain the outcome. She looked at her host with curious eyes, only for him to point against his head.

The queen started to take a closer look onto the head. After a thorough search, all she could find was a multitude of small holes. After cracking the skull open, she found that the brain was riddled with many small holes. Embedded inside were small tiny hairs. The ant could only nod her head in awe at her host, she would never use such a strategy in fighting with an enemy.

A strategy like that had only one purpose and that was to kill and nothing else. it did not ask for your motivation or story. In front of such strategy, feelings are only a hindrance.

An efficient tool of murder. A perfect fit.

He has no moral code of conduct, he just acts on whatever he wants to do. Each player she got to know, acted based on emotions. They were haughty, cruel, gloating but he did not show such emotions while fighting. He was not underestimating the situation, rather it felt like he truly did not feel anything of that sort when fighting players.

His only concern was the outcome. He gets rid of every obstacle in his way, by any means necessary.

He has the perfect kind of versatile arsenal to aid him in his endeavour. By adding this all into the mix and you got yourself an unpredictable loose cannon.

Looking at this kind of man, made her feel a different kind of fear, then players or monsters. It was not the fear invoked, by distress or difference in power. It was the fear of not knowing what is going to happen by staying near him.

This uncertainty was the driving factor, that leads her to evaluate him once again. He was not human, he was not a monster he was beyond that point.

In fact so beyond, that any comparison if there is a better or worse choice is unable to be answered because something like him should have never been a viable option.

The men just continued his training as usual, as if nothing had ever changed. He might be planning for the future or thinking about possible weapons. Or he could not be thinking about anything at all.

Even though her host was unpredictable, he did not show any signs of revolting or trying to target her. Rather it was as if he did not care about any living thing in this world. not even himself. He was just an alienated being.

Nothing more than a stranger, a passerby that only exists without having any deeper purpose.

Looking at him made her question, what kind of terror is currently still hiding inside of him. What kind of weaponry, what kind of tactics will he come up with, when the world turns against him. But the biggest question, is what will happen when he begins to feel something, what kind of extent will he reach then?

Her host suddenly stopped his exercise and began to pull over his heavy fingerless gloves. The cracking sound of his bones was an announcement for the upcoming violence. It would be violence at its finest.