Laura's anatomy

I am going to use my hair as a tool to test out several things. Do not worry, for this kind of test I would not lace them with anything. Their main purpose is to test your nerve system and their response to stimulation. In this context, I am also testing out several reflexes of your body. Depending on the results I might be forced, to test some areas that you might deem inappropriate but I ask you to bear with it. Not that you have many choices in that matter, but this way it feels like the proper procedure.

I have no idea to what extent this experiments might hurt, but as a precaution, I would advise you to lower the pain sensitivity as much as possible. I am not interested in tormenting you and I do not want you to be scarred for alive as well. If you behave and make it all to the end I will reward you, with the strength you adore that much.

Furthermore if you at any point have questions about the proceedings feel free to talk to me and I will explain them to the best of my ability. It should help to rationalize this act to truly understand what is about to happen to you and it should help in the process of coping.

I assure you this is not deceit, I gain nothing valuable talking to you. It is just an offer from my side, to explain the circumstances that lead to the upcoming experiments. If you question my sudden act of goodwill and refuse to talk to me I am not going to force you.

Despite my appearance resembling a monster or a demon, I am not going to relinquish any human decency.

We will start by testing out several reflexes of your body, this part is the least painful and should not cause any kind of uncomfortable feeling, if by any chance some as such should arise, please let me know to pinpoint the origin.

I am going to test your knee-jerk reflex, this one is normally induced by a sharp tap on the patellar tendon, which lies just below the kneecap. Though I have to modify the test by a margin because in your current position it is not going to work out. I am going to cross your legs over each other so that one of your legs is dangling in the air. Afterwards, I am going to apply a sharp tap with the hands-on your tendon. This should lead to a kicking motion to straighten the lag.

The preparation of the experiment was done quickly without any notable resistance on her side. Her expression had not changed during the entirety of my monologue, I have no confirmation whether she just ignored my monologue or if she just does not care about what I am going to do to her. Normally she can log out whenever she wants, so I am quite curious why she has not done so.

But as long as she does not speak to me, I can not confirm any reasoning behind her decision, regardless of what it might be, I am still content with her listening to my thought process because anything I am going to state now is related to topics and things that will not be helpful in any kind to you.

You might be baffled, why I would do such a strange thing to your body, but this groundwork is required to understand the human physiology and its general similarity in comparison to the ones I am used to.

For example, the current experiment might not look like much to you, as if I was trying to waste your time conducting it, but it serves as a big confirmation and hugely shapes it going forward. Let me phrase it differently, if by chance the effect would be the one I have described to you, then it would explain a lot of things and I would get one step closer to explain what kind of effect mana has in a body.

Conducting such experiments on myself is not a viable option, because my existence is something I cannot even fathom and at its best, I would see it as a clear outlier to every known concept in your world. Therefore I have to do the necessary research on other subjects in this case you.

But you are a very special case yourself because you can copy the magic of others by mimicking them, sadly I will not be able to look inside of you and see your inner working without risking your death. I have not developed the necessary anaesthesia to enable such a risky process. Of course, if you were not protected by your gods, I would have done so anyway even with all the uncertainty that is involved.

Back the topic as you can see your knee has moved after receiving the stimulation from the outside, the reaction happened 5 seconds afterwards. After a repetition the outcome did not change, the intensity of the kicking motion was the same.

For the upcoming test, I am going to test the pupil in your eye. If I hold a bright source of light in front of your eyes your pupil. This pupillary reflex is a response to the stimuli of your eyes. that try to adapt to the surrounding light.

I am going to use burning hair, as a tool to see. whether my hypothesis is correct or not. I am just hoping it stays the same, then the only difference might be in the conditional reflexes and not in the unconditioned reflexes. Though I hardly doubt that I should jump to conclusions, after just 2 tests. At most I can call it a tendency, not conclusive evidence. To prove that kind of correlation, I will have to use several subjects and have to do the same test with all of them as well.

Now, this is truly interesting, the pupils did not show any kind of reflex when confronted with light. Is it possible, that the reaction is not the same because the light is just not concentrated enough, or that her eyes got used to such a brightness by copying magic and what kind of influence does magic have on this kind of occurrence?

From all the things I have learned about magic by now, magic is a substance that is constantly able to be shaped and take the shape of every material. It is not limited to be a gas, liquid or solid substance, it is freely interchangeable in between those states. I have yet to gain information about the state with plasma, but I do not doubt that the similarity does stop there.

Mana is something that once it comes into contact with the outside materials, follows the laws of physics I knew to a certain extent, I have yet to confirm to what level it does, but a certain similarity can be observed. Taking this knowledge into account, then this can only mean, that the reflex was abolished when it came into contact with mana, or just did not develop.

If we look at the legends and their self-proclaimed depiction of the past, then it must have developed, because their ancestors were hunters as well. They must have hunted in groups and even deep in the night when other predators were not active. Of course, that is just pure speculation from my side, based on the glorified tales from them.

Still. if that thought was correct, why would magically prevent or even abolish this kind of reaction? Can magic be seen by their eyes and therefore they need to be much more sensitive to the surrounding particles? It might as well be caused by her suppressing her optical nerve with magic, out of pure spite. Or it is just a side effect caused by the very nature of her magic. Or the effect is diminished by habituation.

I tested whether hey eye would close if It came into contact with a draft of air, but this time around it closed without much suspense. I could not find a logical conclusion, to why it ignored the first kind of reflex but reacted to my breath the same way it does in a human body.

Despite all my strange thoughts and the strange tests, she did not show any sign of resistance. She just spectated what was happening to her body, but did not care about my explanation, judging by the look on her face, that looked rather bored.

Should I check her abdominal reflex next? Though I already did one for her knee, I am curious if its the same for the rest of her body.

The next thing I am going to look after is a reflex or better a contraction of your abdominal muscles This requires direct contact with your skin, so I will have to uncover that area of your body.

As you can see, as my hands are touching your belly it contracts. While I lack the purpose behind such a movement, it underlines the fact that several reflexes are the same.

I will spare you the part, where I make creepy and obscene compliments about your beauty as things like those have no place in this kind of setting, furthermore, I am not going to waste this opportunity, savouring eye candy. My primary focus is on gaining knowledge after all.

The next topic I am going to investigate is are your bones and joints. While I am not capable of looking at them directly, I can test out their mobility and general physiological aspects. For example, if you pull some fingers you hear some sort of cracking noise. It had been a hoax for a long period, that such actions would cause arthritis, but that was proven wrong by a dedicated person who only cracked one of his hand for decades.

Though there is still a possibility that it may hurt your grip strength in the long run. The cracking noise is not a result of your bones grinding on another as people had assumed, but it was caused by bubbles of gas suddenly partially collapsing inside the joints. I am not sure whether you know, what I mean by gas but I think you still might get the gist of it.

There are several ways to pop your points and it is not limited to pulling. You may twist or push them as well. There is no harm in doing it just once as I am demonstrating with your right hand currently. Even if it hurts the first you do it, it will stop after it became a habit.

As you can see even your joins can produce some crips and clean cracking sounds. This process will not work with every finger all the time and it will take so time for your joints to be able to produce such a noise again.

Wherever there is a joint a cracking noise can be found, whether it is the neck, the ears, the toes, the elbow, the knees, the feet, the hip or your back. The noise itself can be copied as well with several other body parts, but it is just a copy of the sound not the mechanism behind it. I saw people crack their hair and the skin, but was never able to recreate them myself.

This kind of cracking sound was always like a sweet melody to me, a swift release of all the pressure inside of you, a beautiful reminder that you are in control. The solid rock of conformity in the tides of a stormy life. But for others, that sound was just nothing more than a nuisance. Sorry for drifting away, I got sentimental for all the wrong reasons there.

Reminiscing is for those who have given up on the future.

After this little digression about the cracking sounds, let me return to my main focus the human anatomy and the bones inside of you. While it is true that I am not willing to risk cutting you open to see them, I still do not lack the necessary tools to locate them or test them. Though using x-ray would be a lot more effective and would get me a clear overview, I still can use my hair to pinpoint any bones.

Though my hair is sharp, it still needs quite a bit of force to break through objects with a higher density. That means that bones are easy to distinguish from the flesh and tissue above it. Sadly this is where it starts to get painful, so to ensure quality time for both of us I assure you, that I am doing nothing more than the necessary.

Despite my rudimentary knowledge of the inner workings of the human body, I know that the average human body has 206 bones inside of it. Just imagine what kind of brute a person would have to be to break exactly half of it.

I can not exactly name most of the bones, so I am unable to provide any knowledge about their specific names and all of their purposes. That just means that I still can learn something and thanks to you I get the opportunity to do so. It is quite regrettable that I am only able to confirm, whether there are bones or not. I am unable to see whether any bones have mutated or changed their shape under the influence of magic.

But I do not have to worry about that kind of detail too much, because I am sure I will get the chance to investigate it sooner or later.

I am just going to work my way up from your lags to your skull, I am doing this in that particular order to make sure I do not end up missing some bones. I want to avoid having to redo this kind of experiment. Do not get me wrong, it is not because I am a big fan of chivalry or a big defender of altruism. I am simply doing this as efficient as possible.

I am quite sure that the upcoming process would not be as calm and easy as it was until now.