The Churches ambition

The news of the Church involvement with Primal Survival spread like a wildfire to each corner of the world. The Church was something out of reach for the normal population, as its origin lied within the very core of this world. Their influence reached even the most distant place.

Ever little child heard the story of the valiant heroes of the Church fighting against the horde of monsters keeping them safe from the clutches of Evil. The Churches only took in the most talented and most selfless people. Those chosen were willing to give up their very own lives for their safety.

They included those brave souls in their daily prayers and worked as hard as they could to ensure, that the Churches could focus on the frontlines. They gladly gave away most of the food from their fields, they gladly sacrificed the animals they raised. They were even willing to lay up their own lives if they were asked to do so.

In the eyes of the general populace, this was not viewed as a burden but as an obligation. It was their duty to support the Churches to the best of their ability. Because those Churches were their hope for a better future, a world without the tyranny of monsters. They wanted to watch their children grow up in a world that is worth living in.

This dream was their motivation to endure every hardship.

But this world of idealized heroes was nothing more than a facade. The strict hierarchy inside of the Church transformed those noble heroes into soldiers. Those talented enough to be chosen had to give up their independence to be able to fully serve their Gods. The forceful separation of the family, despite being cruel was seen as necessary. The weak ties of dependence had to be destroyed in the infancy.

After the children had been separated from their families they will be transferred to a screening process to determine their general magical aptitude. After this test, they will be instructed and have to undergo tireless training till the point of absolute exhaustion.

During all this training, they get introduced to the acts of the Gods and all their glorious deeds. They realize, that their purpose lies within those very Gods. They do not fight the monsters to keep society safe, they fight to honour their Gods.

The youth never questioned this kind of mentality, They were elated for receiving such a gift. All this hard training and danger were necessary to not tarnish the Gods grace, that have they have been blessed by.

For most of them, their memory of their former family was just faint and had been replaced by priests that accompanied them as their foster family. The absolute majority even changed their names in order to symbolically cut ties with their former lives. Their life revolved around the will of the Gods and the Church they have been assigned to.

They did not hesitate whether they were assigned to the frontlines or send scouting deep into enemy territory, because the Gods are always on their side.

But some were not satisfied with this blind devotion alone. They wanted to surpass the expectations of the Gods to prove themselves worthy. Those, who did stop at nothing in order to get stronger were the true driving force behind the Churches advancement on the battlefront. This success was built on a mountain of corpses.

At an undisclosed location sounds of combat could be heard. The noise was a mixture out of the destroyed environment and a myriad of spells being launched. Astonishingly no pained screams could be found here. At most, there was a faint trace of heavy breathing.

" Could you stand up again, if you continue to waste my time like that I will demand a new training partner?" A red-haired youth full of freckles said as he starred down to his training partner.

" Tom how often do I have to tell you this, if you lose every previous fight you have no right to be so arrogant." His sparring partner said as he was clearing the dust off his clothes.

" I really admire your passion Tom, but you have to channel it. You do not get to choose the battles on the battlefront."

Tom did not show any kind of change in his face as he continued to speak.

" Jerry, we both know, that all these previous losses are nothing more than experiences I had to make in order to get stronger. It is thanks to my perseverance that as of now I will not lose in any bout against you no matter what you do."

" I find it very hard to believe, that someone like you can make such a claim without any shame in the world every time you manage to win against me. Your last promise of staying undefeated did not even last until the very next fight against me. So why do you always proclaim such idiotic statements? " Jerry replied while shaking his head.

" Isn't it boring? Always the same routine, train and train with no end in sight. Where are the fierce monsters we are supposed to fight? Why are we even supposed train those talentless outsiders? Give me a break, all our strength just goes to waste, this can not be the will of the Gods.

There has to be a reason for their decision. What do they have, what we lack? We have stronger faith, our talent is incomparable and we are willing to do everything for our Gods. So why would spend so much effort on rearing these little obnoxious pampered children? "

Tom was visibly agitated as his inner thoughts came to the surface for the very first time. He started at the face of Jerry waiting for his reaction. But much to his surprise, the reaction was not something he had expected. Jerrys countenance had hardened and started to throw a stern look back.

No words left either of their mouths as the seconds passed slowly. What Tom had failed to realize, was that a certain person stood right behind him. This person had a strange smile on his lips, but this fact caused Jerry to not even acknowledge Toms words.

Just as Tom wanted to raise his voice again, he noticed a subtle change that caused all of his neck hair to stand up straight. The crackling of electricity in the air, was a tell-tale sign, that a very terrific person was very close. His words were stuck in his throat as he noticed what he had just done by uttering the words he did.

" Do not worry about me, feel free to continue."

Even though the voice belonged to a youth that was just as old as them, its very presence left them speechless. His light blue hair and dark blue eyes were no indication, of what was hidden inside. His whole body was radiating a deeply rooted confidence. With his height, it felt like he was predestined to look down on everyone.

" Having doubts is fully normal, but at times like these, I like to remind myself, that the Gods reward our diligence. It was not our ability to outsmart monsters or the ability to think for ourselves, it was our belief, our faith in the Gods. That is why I do not mind you having different thoughts. But beware to not let them interfere with practice. Disappointing the trust placed into us is something I want to avoid at all costs. I will make sure of that, with any means necessary."

The electricity around his body jumped wildly as he pronounced those last words. Tom and Jerry did not doubt his last statement, as the one who had spoken them was not someone they could talk eye to eye to. The rumours surrounding him were showcasing exactly how far he was willing to go. A quick death was the best outcome for those who got on his wrong side.

" Why don't you resume your training? This was just a little reminder."

Tom and Jerry started their training once again not even daring to look him straight into the eyes. Despite only have spoken a few words they still lingered deep in their minds and would stay there for a very long time. They were not sure, whether he had already left them or was still spectating them but they were not keen on finding out.

They held nothing back and only stopped after both of them could not continue anymore. They lay on the ground panting heavily. Tom moved his head around to make sure that no one was close to them anymore before starting to talk once again.

" Sorry, It is my fault. I did not think that my luck is that rotten. I just had to attract the attention of that genius. While we are training with each other he is fighting our mentor to a standstill at his age Why do I have to be that unlucky."

" It is fine Tom, I did not even see him until it was too late. His church even considers to put him together to all these other abnormal freaks. Sometimes I wonder if we are still the same as them, given the difference in talent between us and them. We can consider ourselves lucky, we can still kill most monsters, but fighting against people like him will remain a deathwish."

Tom could not prevent an audible laugh leaving his mouth. His laugh was like rain after a long drought as the atmosphere finally returned to its previous state free of worry.

" I guess to him we are just like the talentless nobles. Becoming a guide seems like a dream come true if the other option was messing with people like him."

"Of course I might grab myself a fine woman as well if the situation arises."

Jerry began to laugh as well and replied in a similar fashion.

" That is one advantage he cannot compensate with all his talent. The breeding restrictions are quite lax for us, so we can find a suitable partner without any problems there. The suitable partner for those talents has to be a freak as well, efficiently eliminating them from the race for a partner.

"But how do you plan to actually convince a girl to choose you? After all, many abnormal people just like our genius will join the competition and try to gather all the attention and fame for themselves."

" I would be a helpless fool if I fought them with magical power alone. There is no competition where I can really shine except one. There is no need for magical talent and aptitude in this special case. The event Tactical Warfare only the best commander wins. This is something where I can really shine, especially in comparison to all those freaks who just fight all day long."

Jerry was left speechless upon hearing the reply, his answer came after he had processed the actual meaning behind the statement of his friend.

" You do know, that even in the stories of old, no girl has ever fallen in love with the tactician. So why would anyone settle for you, if there are so many better options? I mean your temper and looks sure do not help your chances."

This time it was Toms turn to be left speechless as he had not expected this insult coming out left field.

" Sorry, that I do not look as good as you and I am truly sorry, that my character is flawed and not as flawless as yours is. I am sure that you will become the best friend for every girl in no time. They will even tell you about their feelings for others and the latest gossip. You will the best girlfriend they could ask for. "

" Pure jealously nothing more. But you do not have to worry, I am here to help you in your endeavour. So you can become their perfect girlfriend as well. The reply came in a snarky tone.

"No thank you, I prefer the low odds of succeeding with my plans against your help in any case. Even if I do not end up getting the interest of any girl, I can show my talent to my Church. I just can't lose in this scenario. Besides I have the feeling, that luck is on my side."

" Your fortune is their misfortune. But love is blind so you can rest easy that nothing is impossible." Jerry said in an honest tone completely contrary to the meaning of his words.

" Jerry, sometimes I wonder why I even consider you a friend in the first place."

" It is not like you have that much choice in that matter."

Tom lifted himself from the ground and began to get rid of the dust on his clothes.

"Let us get to the barracks, we should not waste any time here. I do not want to endure the ire of our mentors. They have not forgiven me for fallen asleep during their last teaching."

Jerry jumped up with ease and nodded towards Tom.

" Those were the first words you have spoken today that make some sense, you are making progress."

They both walked away bickering to each other but had not realized, that their whole conversation had been monitored from the start.

"Seems like your reputation is a lot worse than it seems "Mr Genius"?

" As long as they play their role they can think whatever they want and their childish dreams of a partner are enough to keep such fools in line. Besides they have absolutely no idea what it truly means to be strong."

" Don't be so mean to them Justus, they just do not know any better. We all know it is your time to shine in that competition. If you truly wanted to you could win any competition with ease. But that would go against your mission doesn't it?" the voice said in teasing fashion.

" You are too smart for your own good, some things are better left unknown. Especially if the Church gets wind of the fact, that their secret plan has been discovered."

" Their oh-so-secret plan, that even a moron like that redhead came close to discover, tell me would I have to use my the information network to notice that something is going on?"

" A small piece of advice, do not meddle in our affears. It is not part of your duty. I am sure, that even your special status would not help you if you were to interfere. Considering that our interest should align I wonder why you even brought it up in the first place. Not that I am very interested in this subject, as the true motivation of the Church remains a mystery."

The atmosphere suddenly got a lot colder and faint traces of killing intent could be felt.

The other voice did not show any signs of being disturbed by it and continued without a worry in the world.

" Just be mindful when dealing with those players, that is all I have to say."

The person had disappeared in the darkness without waiting for a reply from Justus.

Justus did not follow the person as he moved into the direct opposite direction. He wondered what the true intent behind the last words was. Because those words were not a warning but an order. As he was swallowed by the darkness, he left with his mind full of questions.