Finding Moirai (3)

Without a doubt, the one who has suffered the most under the appearance of Moirai was neither the player base nor Moirai himself, it was the developers responsible for the world of Primal Survival.

The moment Moirai had appeared in the world of Primal Survival marked the day for countless sleepless nights full of worries and fears. Up until that point, everything had been easy but his arrival caused the downward spiral that has been affecting them ever since.

All it took was one simple NPC, nothing more than the tiniest speck in their big world. But this single entity was the embodiment of chaos, which could not be fixed whatever they did. The mere thought seems laughable, but yet they wanted to do everything but laugh. What have they done wrong which led to this entire mess?

They asked themselves questions like this over and over again as they feverishly looked for any solution, any fix for the trouble its existence posed. Yet, after the system itself did not see any flaw in it.

The system that was responsible for the entire world, did not see a problem in this entity which caused so much harm. Something which worked flawlessly did not see a fault in this walking disaster covered up as an NPC.

Not one of them could find an explanation of how such a situation could come into being in the first place. A mistake of that calibre should have been purged by the system in a matter of seconds. After feeding the system with countless examples and details it should have known that something so out of the ordinary has no place in their simulation.

But for whatever reason, something every single one of them was longing to know, it had all started to deviate and stray away from their planned development. Where had it all gone wrong, what had the done? These questions had haunted them like an ever-recurring nightmare.

It was sinking its fangs deep into their mind refusing to let go and reminded them about their failure every day. There was no shelter, no shoulder to share the weight with them. Afraid for the lives of the people they hold dear, they had to bear all of this alone.

Their boss who had been full of praise for them, turned into a monster in front of them demanding an explanation no one present could give him. This enraged him even more and caused him to get rid of his frustration by letting them out on his workers.

All the while they had to keep up a smile and lower themselves admitting that they are at fault. Their heroic past was nothing more than a token from the past, it was entirely useless. For their lifelong dream of giving the next generation a better future, they had started all of this and they would stop at nothing to protect this dream.

This was the promise they had made to each of their fallen comrades. It was all for those who had given their lives in this neverending battle and to prevent any more needless lives to be lost. Their sacrifice should never be in vain and this horrendous monsters should be brought to an end by all means.

Exactly this was the reason they could just not ignore the NPC which caused them headaches over and over again. Truly laughable, that something like this has reached the status it currently has. The boss suddenly complimented them and patted them on the shoulder.

Of course, this did not last very long before he returned to the state of always complaining, but it had never been about the NPC, not it was about the circumstances surrounding it, that they did not use it to their advantage.

Had their boss forgotten about their ideals, more and more technicians began to think like that. Those thoughts were not uttered out loud but a general feeling of betrayal and uneasiness had spread among them.

All they wanted was to find the root for all of their problems and eliminate so everything could return to the way it was supposed to be. Yet, after they send multiple search team into their simulation the NPC was remaining a mystery for them as it could not be located.

It had been a mystery how something so devastating could be unnoticed for such a long period of time. There had to be someone from the players who must have spotted this walking disaster. Yet, any kind of inquiring about this information was blocked from the system directly. This could only mean one thing, they did not have the necessary authority to input that order.

But only the Church and the Higher-ups had a higher authority than them. What exactly was going on if both of these parties are involved in this matter? All they could do was send in teams manually and hope to discover the troublemaker, which was given the size of the world nearly impossible.

After countless failed attempts and futile searches, the Gods finally showed amicably. The cries for help and their desperate pleas had been heard and a trace of Moirai had been seen by a player. Most technicians could not help but scream out in sheer joy after hearing such splendid news.

They finally knew the general location of Moirai and all they had to do was send in a team of their trusted players to finally take care of that problem. The players who spotted Moirai were nothing more than some figures of minor importance whose silence could be bought with ease.

it could not have been any more perfect for them and as the not intended to waste any time, they send in their team to try and take care of the problem as soon as possible. Yet they should have known, that when they are dealing with this NPC a lot of irregularities occur.

Because this time around they did not spot Moirai, they spotted numerous versions of it. All of them were entangled in battles with players and none of them could understand exactly what was happening.

One of them was enough to wreak havoc and yet nobody of them wanted to imagine the possible implications of what might occur when more than one of its kind was unleashed. The mere thought alone caused them to shutter uncontrollably. They could not continue like this, this matter had to end one way or another.

If that meant that they had to help players enslave this NPC then so be it. This way everything could at least be controlled and planned for. Normally their existence should not be known off, but they decided to throw caution in the wind and support the players in their endeavour.

All while this was occurring they sent more teams around to investigate the true extent of the situation. They had to make absolutely sure to know everything to fully contain this calamity. Any outsider factor needed to be considered, they could not afford any more mishaps.

Because despite popular opinion this NPC was a menace to this entire world and the ideals it stood for. All of them only saw this NPC only as a tool for the upcoming event but nobody had ever questioned its entire unusual existence.

Everything about it is something no one had seen. The strange fighting style, the ability to fight magicians with just his body, the general superiority to every normal NPC. There was nothing about it that one could consider normal by any means.

It was a monster in human skin. A human should have never possessed such a level of strength, they had left their weak shell behind. It was an affront to their Gods, that something like this could fight against those who have been gifted by the grace of the Gods.

That is why they never could ignore an NPC like Moirai as much as they wanted to. There was no place for it in their world. It needs to be eradicated by any means necessary.

Though these unfortunate technicians did not know, that all of their passionate desire to bring this NPC to closure was not meant to be. Because they could not account for that all of their actions and plans had already been accounted for.

No one involved in this matter was aware of this detail as they all only thought about setting thins right. The only ones even remotely aware of the situation either did not care about it or were busy training.

The one who did not care about the situation did so because he knew the one responsible all too well. It was just not in his interest to think too deeply about all of the ploys it had employed since its course of actions was not dictated by its own agenda.

The one who was currently training did not think too deeply about the situation at hand either, simply because he did not have the qualifications for it. He was painfully aware of his missing strength. This person had been nothing more than a pawn the entire time, yet he is still smiling.

There was a misconception about the original Moirai. He is a human in the skin of a monster.

The one who had noticed this detail was the one who gave Moirai this body in the first place. Moirai was just a human, a creature which had been replaced because it had no place in this world. But amidst all the magic and strong beasts, nobody really had come to know, that these "humans" are really scary.

Right now he was still playing by the rules that had been laid out for him. What were to happen if he was given a chance? That is hard to tell, but after living for so long he was looking forward to it. With no restrictions and no hand guiding him what would he do?

All of this was nothing more than mere speculation though, he had only caught glimpses about the true character of Moirai, something which lurks behind of all of the facade. What is beneath all that smile and the sadness he keeps suppressing? As of now, he was still smiling. Humans truly are scary. That thought crossed his mind as he kept on doing push-ups right beside the mastermind.

To take care of the team of players employed by the technicians the battlefield of the Moiras strangely shifted right into the direction of all these newly arriving teams. All of this was managed easily by altering the magic to force everyone into the path that was planned out for them.

The newly arriving competition would draw the ire of every player who had been fighting to obtain Moirai and cause them to get rid of them. The technicians would give those players the order to keep quiet once they knew about who had become involved in this matter.

The affair of killing or helping them to obtain Moirai was not something they could handle on their own anymore. This matter had been easily solved just like this. As for those who tried to scout they had the honour of meeting the many Moirias who had gone out to hunt monsters.

The scout's group would be split up into very small teams to lower the risk of them encountering a player group and to be subsequently killed. After meeting a Moirai they would engage them in a battle and stake it all against them.

Still, regardless of how much strength those scouts might have by limiting the number, it was easy for the Moirai clones to take care of them. After all, while the only had to deal with one Moirai at a time, that did not mean, that they all were fighting the same Moirai.

In the short period of time Moirai had been in the world of Primal Survival he had used many different fighting styles and weapons came to use as well. This just meant, that every Moirai was unique and fighting one of them could not be prepared for.

Their decision to engage the target with the outdated mindset would come to cost them dearly. A single mistake. which would bring with it an unremorseful conclusion. All of this had yet to happen but it was already set in stone.

None of their actions would yield any results causing them to desperate straits, with all the constant stress and the lack of results, they will not be able to think clearly and commit more and more mistakes.

In return fatal judgements occur, lowering their even negligible odds of succeeding even more. Whether they group up and throw caution to the wind or try to interfere in the fights of others, it will be too late for them by then.

The preparations were nearly complete and the only objective of this spectacle was to buy the necessary time. Drawing the attention from players was done intentionally the aim had been to set the stage.

This stage had been created for the players themselves because as of now their results were more than lacklustre. The task given to the Observer could not be fulfilled by the player base as they were now.

Finding Moirai was nothing more than bait for these players. By surpassing the hurdle named Moirai they prove their qualifications. This NPCs were nothing more than a whetstone to bring out the real strength of those people who have been never forced to use all of their strength.

The entirety of those clones was not meant for any other purpose. A city full to the brink with Moirais ready to lay their life down once these versions outside had done their deed. This is what those players needed.

Fighting all those normal monsters made them lose all of their tension and respect. Whether they belonged to Church or were of a noble lineage, no one really knew the true terror a monster can bring to them.

Moirai had been groomed to be exactly that, a tool to strengthen the players. After sending him through countless trials, the best traits and tactics were used to create the most optimal NPCs possible to train the players.

According to its calculations it was only a matter of time until the players had fully adapted.

The last thing to do was to witness how strong they would become and for that it had reserved a front row seat.