The end of a dream (1)

More and more players gathered and stared at Moirai with anger in their eyes. The fire burning within them grew steadily.

The feeling of humiliation was a new one for the young generation. No matter where they went, they were the hope of the common people, they were special. However, Moirai mercilessly showed them that even a simple NPC can defeat them without any particular difficulty.

This bitter defeat could not simply be forgotten, no, each of them felt deeply hurt and offended.

Although this world was only a simulation to train the players, many of them had already forgotten this. Their only focus was to hunt down the culprit so that their souls could rest again.

And exactly this evil person was standing only a few meters away from them, how could they not be restless?

But their target was not impressed by the angry mob and simply ignored them. Much to the chagrin of the players, they couldn't just storm off, as CallMeDaddy was interviewing the NPC in question.

The mere thought of finally being able to take revenge was enough motivation to get through the waiting time. Despite a large number of players, there was no concern that they would have to forego their personal revenge. Each of them had enough self-confidence that they would be the one to get back at Moirai.

Failure did not cross their mind in the slightest. Their opposition was one measly NPC and without the pesky restrictions placed on them, their victory was predetermined. It was special without a doubt, but only if compared to the other NPCs.

After receiving a heavy blow to their confidence, they had managed to overcome their mental trauma by killing their tormentors. The following Moirai clones trying to stop them were easily disposed of as well, the challenge turned into a minor annoyance.

That stark difference in their abilities gave them enough assurance that even the original would not stand a chance against them. The NPC would most likely not be able to stand a single spell of them without losing its life on the spot.

In the end, the NPC was nothing more than a weak monster. Although comparing a human to a monster was by no means an honour, it still was a good way to describe its strength. But just like the small monsters, it was not taken very seriously.

All of this was meant for the sake of venting their frustrations not proving their fighting capabilities. Their earlier deaths meant nothing as it was caused by the suppression they had faced. How could anyone of them lose to this NPC otherwise?

Regardless of what the NPC would do it would not get out of this situation. CallMeDaddy presence could not deter them for too long before they would take matters into their own hands. Looking at the uncaring expression on the face of Moirai certainly did not help in defusing the situation.

Moirai looked into the surroundings before he finally nodded in satisfaction.

" Finally everyone has arrived. Thank you for your patience. But before we begin let me address some things. "

After clearing his throat Moirai began to speak.

" First and foremost I have to thank you for the interview. You have shown me a level of respect, which did not match my current status. You have earned my utmost respect for that."

A wave of attacks came flying at Moirai but he just jumped backwards and began to dodge everything that came at him. With a smile on his face, he continued his speech.

"Second I would like to apologize profusely to you Tom, sadly I could not help you within your quest, but knowing you it will only be a matter of time until you accomplish it. You have the right mindset for this matter."

The wave of attacks had torn through the previous peacefulness and drowned the surroundings with the sound of their impact. None of them had yet found their target but that did not stop the violent intent from leaving its brutal mark on the surroundings.

The place Moirai had previously stood had been destroyed by the multitude of different magic spells. Wind, Fire, Ice, Water magic everything was flung onto Moirai wishing for his demise. Despite their destructiveness Moirai opened his mouth once more. Although this time around he spoke louder to compensate the loud noises.

" My dear underlings our time was cut rather short. I am still grateful for the time we spent together. and I hope you value my teachings."

Without saying another word the 7 brothers sprung into action trying to help Moirai against the overwhelming force of players. But they were stopped in their tracks by Moirai.

" Please, you must not interfere in this matter. I do not belong to this world and this will be my final lesson for you. The only thing I ask of you is to carry on my way of thinking."

" But..."

" No buts, sit back and take in the final lesson I can give you. This is my destiny"

During their short exchange, another flurry of magic was flying in the air directly onwards to Moirai. Most of them did not hit their targets but a wind blade managed to grace Moirais skin drawing a red line on his skin.

Moirai sighed and was forced to react yet another time as the next attacks did not wait for him. He had no time to relax as his attackers were relentless. Being in constant motion was the only feasible option for Moirai to escape from potential harm.

This measure was only temporary because just like the wind blade had proven it was only a matter of time before one spell or another would hit its mark. With the passing of time, those injuries would accumulate further hindering Moirai.

Yet Moirai did not appear to try and flee as he addressed the crowd once more.

" Last but not least I am thankful for all of the encounters I had. If not for meeting all of you, I would not stand here the way I am."

Moirai gave a short bow to them to thank them. Most of the spells missed the target since nearly no one had predicted Moirai to suddenly stand still but another wind blade left yet another trace on his skin.

" Good aim," Moirai exclaimed and looked into the crowd to spot the perpetrator. After a quick glance Moirai was disappointed as he did not manage to find the mage responsible.

Moirai goodwill was met with rude remarks and a stream of insults being directed at him.

" Just die you filth."

" Keep your mouth shut scum."

" Know your place human"

Moirai ignored all of this and resumed to dodge everything. This time around he did not open his mouth and kept on staring at his surroundings searching for something all while evading the deadly attacks.

In the crowd of players, there were some who still acted reserved as they observed everything from the sidelines. Amongst others, Laura stood there silently evaluating her chances against her competition. She could recognize most of the people who had kept their calm and waited. 4 out of the Top 5 from the previous competition had appeared. Atlas, Amphitrite and Haschmich had taken up the same stance as her.

But Laura was not worried about them, the people she did not recognize were the ones she had to be wary of. Because she had next to no information about those people and if they came from the Church their strength was something she could not foresee.

Especially this man right next to her. He seemed to blend in with the crowd and only after a while did Laura become aware of him. But his Inconspicuous appearance could not fool her. The magic he gave of caused her to feel a slight chill but he did not even seem to notice this as his eyes were pointed straight at Moirai.

His body was quite tall as he towered over his peers but none of them had seemingly noticed the abnormal strength hidden inside of him. Laura licked her lips in anticipation, not only would she be able to copy Moirai but also the strong person next to her.

Killing Moirai was none of her interest as all she had to was spectate from the side and to brand the memories in her mind. Using her magic she could copy Moirai. This process required her to spend a lot of her magic by surrounding Moirai with it to "feel" his movement. It was not made any easier by the constant attacking from the crowd.

It would get easier if she understood how it works but Moirais methods were beyond her current understanding. But this process was a lengthy one and she had to comprehend it before the crowd would finish him off.

She was not all too worried about Moirai dying too soon, as his tenacity rivalled those of monsters. It would be regrettable if she were to miss out on such a chance. At least Moirai would never die to the angry horde of players. They would be taken care of sooner or later either way.

The strong mages were just observing for the time being but once they started to move the situation would become serious. As of now, this is nothing to Moirai, as it could not compare to the tactics and strength that Moirai had shown in the bout against her.

Despite the restrictions being lifted, they did not possess the qualifications to fight Moirai. Yet, they were blissfully ignorant about their lack of ability. Although their spells were strong enough to kill Moirai, they did not have the capabilities to kill Moirai with them.

None of them was aware that Moirai was toying with them. All they did was use their magic while they stood rooted in the same spot. She had done the same mistake only to pay dearly for it. It was hard to predict how Moirai would act but it was more than obvious that sooner or later he would take action.

Moirai on the other hand just continued his routine without showing any signs of trying to attack. This stalemate lasted for quite a while until all of a sudden a wave of flames engulfed the unsuspecting group killing them nearly instantly.

Moirai did not seem to be surprised by this development as his gaze calmly focussed on the one who had conjured this spell.

" They do not have the right to kill you. I am here to get revenge for the fate my sister suffered."

Moirai stared at him for a while full of confusion.

" Whom? I am sorry I have killed many people, I can not remember every one of them. But if you refer to the little girl hiding behind your back, then I have no recollection of her. Besides who are you to claim you are worthy enough? There are 4 people, who have the right to fight me but You are not one of them."

" How dare you? I will not let you die easily."

" Nothing more than an empty threat. Go ahead and try, but you are going to be disappointed."

It did not take long before the same wave of flames started to engulf Moirai under the watching eyes of the players.

But instead of any pained cry Moirai walked out of the flames with no change in his expression.

" I have said it once and I will say it again. You are not one of them. Quit your useless struggle and let someone qualified take over. You might go out of this without getting humiliated."

Another wave of flames started to gather in his hands this time around they were in a deep blue colour.

" Ah, I finally remember. The blue flames, but if that is your limit your dream of getting revenge will never come true. "

But the flames did not stay blue as a slight violet hue started to appear in them. Seeing this he seemed overjoyed and a beaming smile started to appear on his face.

" With this fire, I will restore the honour of my sister." Screaming this he let the flames expand and threw at Moirai. The NPC looked at the flames with great interest and did not move as the flames hit him directly into his chest.

Seeing the result a loud cheer could be heard but it came to an abrupt end after he saw his victim. After being forced to take a few steps back Moirai still had a calm expression on his face. Despite his chest still being covered in blue flames, he walked back to his previous position.

" You are far stronger than your sister, seeing that your flames have managed to cause such a wound on my body. You have all the rights to be proud of that, but that is not enough to best me. So I would advise you to leave with your head held high before the others make that decision for you."

He stared at Moirai refusing to believe what was right in front of his eyes before turning around and taking his sister with him. He did not even look back as he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Laura was not surprised by the outcome of this fight as Moirai had let himself get hit deliberately to show the vast difference between the two. After the two had left a brief period of silence began. Moirai extinguished the blue fire on his chest by discarding the bathrobe he was wearing. His chest had suffered under the fire and was now burned quite badly.

" Excuse my appearance. CallMeDaddy might you give me my clothes?"

CallMeDaddy who had streamed all of it stood still at the side and told one of his underlings to get said clothes. Moirai's appearance had been fixed and now he calmly looked into the small crowd.

Looking at Moirai there was nothing extraordinary about him. Laura still could not fathom why such a meagre creature could possess such strength. A human not even fully grown, someone who was not even as tall as Laura herself should never be able to display such a prowess.

His outward appearance looked eerie to the eye and only after the robe was gone, did Samantha witness the dead skin hidden beneath his clothes. It was unlike anything she had ever seen. Neither on monsters or humans had she seen a skin having such a sickly pale white colour.

The abnormality did not stop at that, as there was something wiggling underneath the skin, something which seemed alive in comparison to its surroundings. Only Laura took notice about the abnormality as all of her magic was all around Moirai to learn his secrets.

" I have a proposal to solve the current issue. Among you, there are several people strong enough to fight me, but this fight has to be done alone to prove yourself and fighting alongside others is unsuitable for that kind of goal."

Everyone present agreed to Moirais words. For them, it was meaningless to kill Moirai with the help of others. Although they also died by the hands of Moirai, they were wise enough to think about the situation and did not react like the rest of the crowd.

" To determine a fair arrangement, let me suggest a few things. Currently, the number of people here is still too high. I am certain, that this issue can be solved by yourselves."

Moirai waited for a while until the number of players had dwindled. Some knew the extent of their strength and walked away from this situation, while others were forcefully removed.

" Let me congratulate you first for being the strongest people currently present. There are some faces I am unfamiliar with, but your prowess has proven your right to fight me. To make this as fair as possible I would ask all of you to determine an order in which you would like to face me. To give everyone a fair chance, there has to be a limitation on how much time each bout has."

" Once again the exact time and the order you guys follow is not for me to decide. Just tell me the result once you have chosen it."

Moirai sat down and closed his eyes waiting for the group to come to a decision. The other players were surprised to see Moirai not putting up any guard against them. After a short discussion, the remaining players came to an agreement.

Laura decided to refrain from participating in this affair. This left 5 players who decided on the following order. Haschmich was first, followed by Atlas, then came Amphitrite, afterwards came a mysterious figure, which had yet to show their face, and the last turn belonged to the men Laura had an eye on.

" We have settled on an order"

Moirai opened his eyes and stood up.

" How much time for each fight?"

" 2 prayers (1 minute)"

Moirai nodded and decided to wear his gloves to prepare for the upcoming fight. With a serious expression, he walked forward to face his first opponent.

"I forgot to mention one thing, the order remains the same if everyone fails to kill me during their attempt. Best of luck.

This would mark the beginning for very memorable fights.