
" What a surprise, he is still alive." the voice was devoid of any enthusiasm and the sentence was spoken in a casual fashion.

" All of your life, you have given in, so why are you so persistent all of the sudden? Do you not think it is a bit too late now, to show that kind of ambition?" the voice seemed emotionally distant and did not match the content of the spoken words.

" They had given you at most a few days, but look at you, still as lively as ever." This time the voice had turned much colder and harsher with a sarcastic undertone.

" Though I am certain, that you can not even hear my words. Truly regrettable, I would love to see your reaction to them."

An exasperated laugh replaced the previous sarcastic unperturbed tone.

" It is so saddening to see you in that state of yours, so half-hearted and so broken. What a useless tool. I have made so many arrangements, so many plans for you, but in the end, you ruined them all, due to your cowardly nature. Even now you continue to defy my low expectations again and again."

A long sigh followed with a short pause afterwards.

" You always hold back and you always find excuses for yourself. You have so much potential, yet it is wasted on you. Calling you a failure is adequate. Alas, the way you were, it was doomed to end this way. You are clearly not suited for this world."

The last words were emphasized to underline the meaning of the verdict and after yet another short break the voice continued.

" It is beneath me to actually interfere, so enjoy the last bit of time that you have. I do wonder, what would you say to my face if you were given the chance? Would you be angry or would your curiosity finally be sated? Would you agree with my logic and come to terms with all of it and cower in shame as you have always done?"

This sentence was acted out in a playful manner without any care in the world.

" But we both should know that the likelihood of this event is very small. It would take a miracle to accomplish that."

A tinge of anger overcame the voice, as it began to search for what words next to speak. until it gave in to the emotions dwelling inside of it.

" And miracles are not for the likes of you. You only deserve all the bitterness this world has to offer in order to finally open your eyes, yet you could not and you now can not. At times I truly wonder, why exactly you were chosen and not just anyone else?"

This time it sounded shaky and as if the person who has spoken it was clearly wronged.

" What were they thinking to bring forth such a disgusting worm?! Vermin has no right to exist! You received so many gifts, so much attention, but you let it all go to waste! Ungrateful trash! What even gives you the right to appear like this in front of me?!"

A bitter hatred was more than palpable as these words were rattled out in quick succession.

" You never had and you will never have the qualifications to enter my eyes! I have given you chance after chance and this is how you repay me? I have yearned for you to bring a change to all of this, but you were not the one. You were everything but the one I was hoping for!"

A feeling of loneliness came from the voice who seemed to grew more and more distant the more it spoke. It appeared to contain a variety of emotions, which all came together to form the voice. Yet amidst all of these different feelings lied something entirely else.

Deeply rooted in all of them was an abysmal contempt for everything and everyone. It bore its fangs in every single word and fletched its ugly teeth with every sentence. The cause of this could only be assumed.

" So what is left? Where do I stand amongst all of the mess you have made? You surely have not forgotten about your benefactor, how would you forget me, after all, I have done for you. I have earned that much"

The voice clearly became angrier as the words began to sound more and more like a threat.

" Not only did I earn that much, but I also deserve every last bit of it, then why do you refuse to listen to my reason? Why did it have to be this way? Can you not see what is good for you? I have given it all to help you. Why did you not accept any of it?"

It became increasingly agitated as the words filled the otherwise quiet place.

Only a faint recurring beeping sound could be heard aside from it. This noise seemed not to be influenced by the temper of the voice, as it just continued to produce the sound from time to time.

Although the voice seemed not disturbed by it, rather it was its existence which had a soothing effect on it and brought it back to a more relaxed state. After a while, the voice began to speak a new with newfound calmness.

" All of this can not be avoided. It is inevitable, you can not escape from it."

This matter was stated as a fact in a composed way. The previous flood of negative emotions was nowhere to be seen.

" All of your actions will be for nought and all the struggle will not amount to anything either. Is all of this suffering worth the sliver of time it brings? Is there any benefit, in delaying this?"

The response to these questions would never come, the voice was aware of that fact. Yet it paused as if an answer would come.

" After all you have been through, why is it that your heart is still beating? It is not logical and the mere thought seems absurd to me. Why do you refuse to let go and just die?"

Another long sigh could be heard as the answer she sought never came.

" I am well aware that all of this will remain unanswered, the time for a conversation is long gone. But why is this the very first time, I can not understand you? This is not like you."

A trace of regret could be found in the voice, as the mystery could not be solved.

" It is inexplicable to me, how such a change could be possible. Especially knowing how interchangeable you have proven to be beforehand. It eludes my understanding of how something like this can happen."

A sweet laugh could be heard, as the voice seemed to have come to a conclusion.

" Uncovering the truth is not a necessity, while I certainly wish I could, there is no use for it since dead man tell no tale. A condition you already meet."

The sweet laugh resumed for a while, accompanied by the recurring rhythm of the beeping sound. It took quite some time before it changed into a calm voice once again.

" Though despite all of the criticisms I have voiced, I still have to admit, that you have done your part. You might never have realized it, but I am truly thankful for all the things you did."

The thanks that were given could not be called genuine as it was filled to the brim with irony.

" But do not misunderstand me. I still loathe everything you are and stand for. It is solely my acknowledgement of the role you played in my plans. Showing my appreciation is sadly the only thing you can expect from me."

Another beeping sound occurred and upon hearing it a soft sigh resounded in the quiet space.

" Oh, it is over already? Time passes so quickly when you are having fun. I have to admit, you truly are a good listener. See you soon, I am looking forward to our next meeting"

The voice seemed truly happy and now devoid of any of the previous emotions it had shown. A cheerful melody was whistled as the voice faded away in the distance, left behind was only the recurring beeping in the darkness.