Unexpected help

My life had certainly become unpredictable that was proven over and over again. Being wrong had become a tradition for me.

The pain I had expected never even came and I had not the slightest idea why. It was just another unsolved mystery in the chain of strange events that were plastered all over my new life. Instead, I found myself feeling slightly stronger all over my body.

A welcome change to have a positive side-effect for once. On the other hand, the only aspect that changed on the scale itself was the faint appearance of a depiction from the wolf. It was dim and unremarkable and could only have sprung from the pen of a very creative 3-year-old child.

The stylishly staged squiggly lines came together, forming a very imaginative interpretation of a wolf.

But before I could marvel any longer, the chains had flung me back to the spot where they had dragged me from. Our bond had surely grown after being this close to one another, not being able to move is a big plus in my eyes.

I still feel its embrace on me, the feeling of being thoroughly enveloped by these chains made my heart beat so much faster. I think I was smitten by the great care I was shown. Who does not like to be squeezed by chains, to feel all fuzzy on the inside?

Though I have to pay respect where it is due; it was very sincere in its approach. Such a generous reward for a small bondage session was more than enough to convince me. Sign me up and then chain me up.

A small inconvenience for such a great return is a trade I absolutely can not refuse. Especially because I need to get stronger in order to survive in this world. It was easy to accept when the reality was so much crueller.

One wolf had already proven to be this troublesome and I can hardly wait to make many more friends, who see me as a walking delicacy. I pushed my body upwards and began to crack my fingers in my ritualistic manner.

It had become a habit to do so, when I was figuring out what to do next, it was only enough for a short distraction but that sufficed most of the time.

Yet, it certainly did not prepare me for the sudden feeling of terror that overcame me, by twisting my body I just barely managed to avoid something that left a long gash on my face. Feeling the blood on my left cheek was a clear reminder of the omnipresent danger.

My senses heightened and I prepared for another dance on the precipice of life and death. My mind raced to try and find out whom or what I was attacked by, with little to no time to react I was forced to dodge yet another attack.

Gaining information on my foe was the first objective in order to survive this battle. Determining the enemy did not take up much time, its growl was way too familiar to me, it was another wolf and a very angry one at that.

Murdering its kin was enough motivation for it to end my life. It was understandable that it was not too amused by seeing me standing here. Unlike the previous encounter, this one was not going to be a walk in the park.

This wolf was way faster and a lot more aggressive, I had barely any time to even think before it came at me again. This did not mean that I did not try to retaliate, but even after becoming stronger, my punches did not even make a dent.

The only effect they had was making the wolf even angrier, which it was not shy of letting me know. The wolf was in control of the entire fight and I could only try and evade while thinking about a method to turn this fight around.

The answer I found was very typical for a human. I decided to look for the corpse of the wolf I had. After a bit of trial and error and some dodging, I finally arrived at the spot. All that I needed to do was to use the right tool.

in this case, the right tool referred to the sharp teeth I had used to break through the hide of the wolf. Armed with new conviction and another argument to win this fight I engaged the wolf once more.

Despite having a weapon in my hands the fight had not gotten any easier. I had to wait for the right opportunity and finding the correct timing was very risky. Only an early grave awaits if I miss out on.

Though If the wolf is having its way with me I might need more then one casket for the rest of my body parts. Therefore it was important to prevent this messy funeral from ever occurring. But rolling around in the mushy field of decayed bodies was not very helpful for that cause.

I was made painfully aware, that claws tearing through the flesh on your back, were not very helpful either. As I was momentarily dazed by the arrival of a second wolf, the first one had inserted his sharp fangs into my right arm.

Its head was violently shaking trying to tear out my flesh. Under the agonising pain, I could only ram my weapon into its face until it finally let go. The other wolf had already come to attack a second time.

Another injury. I did my best to escape my current position. Being surrounded would be my death sentence. Fueled by adrenaline rushing through my veins, I pushed my body forwards to just get out of this pincer attack.

Of course, my enemies had no intention of letting me go that easily and their vicious onslaught only resumed.

With the arrival of a second wolf, my senses started to fail me as I could not pinpoint the wolves amidst the sensory overload caused by the flood of noises they produced.

Another injury.

It was weird, I should fear for my life, being full of sheer terror and panic. Hunted down by these 2 wolves, I should be mortified.

So why do I feel so calm? Why is that, that I want to smile? Am I losing my mind due to blood loss? I am not even angry at these wolves. Why am I so utterly devoid of anything right now?

My right arm felt fine, despite it being mangled just moments prior. I did not notice its damaged state, as I could open and close my fist without any problems.

It all was obsolete and forgettable. The wolves were nothing more than a measly afterthought.

A fleeting sensation had captivated my mind and dulled my senses. Fighting against it felt meaningless and unnecessary. For me, there was no need to get out of this wondrous feeling.

Yet, without a second thought, I plunged the sharp teeth into my side to bring me back to the crude reality. I had enough of the pretentious bullshit. I always found myself in this kind of scenario because I was too weak mentally.

Delusions were a constant theme in my life and once more I found myself at the exact spot, which I swore to never tread again. Just like always, I see myself falling back into the spiral of doubt in a moment of weakness.

The least I could do was getting myself out of the mess I have manoeuvered myself in

After waking myself up from the stupor my body was riddled with wounds. Now that's just plain rude. If I present myself to them like this, then they should have done much more. Now they will come to regret the decision of toying with me.

Feeling a warm breath on my neck I spun around and slashed at its body with the teeth, leaving a long and deep gash on its body. Its painful yelping served as a confirmation of the severity of the wound.

But this was far enough from a satisfying conclusion to me, as I tightly grabbed its fur with my right hand. I like to keep in contact with my dear friends and I after I am done with it, we will become soulmates.

Inserting my weapon into its body over and over again was just a romantic declaration of love and my pure devotion towards it. There was no better sign of passion as showering it with all my attention.

Was there not any better confirmation, then hearing the pained cries to know you are doing the right thing? I can not see what would feel any better.

Because when we finally meet each other's gazes, it is already too late. The time we get to share in that brief moment is the very essence of beauty, the fragility of life itself.

it would be selfish not to spread the joy. Everyone has a right to make this experience for themselves. Being altruistic has always been a strength of mine.

As the sweet fragrance of freshly spilt blood entered my nostrils I was assured that I was keeping up my end of the bargain. After sending these 2 volunteers into their well-deserved afterlife I expect some form of reimbursement.

With my body being far away from its prime condition, I needed some help in order to continue the task given to me. Otherwise, it will be a gamble on how long my body will still permit me to fight.

The scale will surely know what to prioritize, with me being dead it would not get anything. There must be a limit to its ignorance. It is all about balance after all.

Speaking of balance, I nearly lost mine, as the other wolf was currently having fun with my right leg and continued to happily chew on it. In doing so it had successfully ruined that feeling of joy I had worked so hard for.

The pain it brought could be forgiven as I planned on bringing the same to it, what I could not accept was it had never tried to save the other wolf. Watching me tormenting its kin and yet it did not even try to help.

That kind of selfishness reminds me of myself and that was its misfortune. There is not a single thing in this wide world that I detest more than my pathetic self.

Letting go of its brethren, I decided to give the wolf the attention it deserved. It would soon share the same fate and I will grant him the chance to apologize to one of its kind for that inexcusable display it had shown.

All it had to do for this grand opportunity was to lay down its life and realize the heinous crime it has committed. The strength I get in return is a small fee for an offer like that. Only a fool would say no to that.

My personal motivation aside, convincing my future customer was certainly something I needed to do before I make any further plans. Luckily the sharp wolf teeth in my left hand was a very good argument.

Inhaling deeply I tried my best to regain as much objectivity as possible. Blindly following my emotions and instincts is not the best idea in this scenario. I should avoid taking unnecessary damage and not throwing myself headfirst into battle without a plan.

But I already shifted my centre off balance and let my body fall backwards directly at the wolf. Although having plans was certainly a better course of action, I should not waste any more time than necessary on this.

A bit torn-out flesh on my leg was a good investment for the possibility of doing much more harm. Caught off-guard by the actions of a madman, the wolf did not react in time and its fur was caught by me.

Tightly grabbing its fur it was time for another trip to the stabby islands. I wondered whether I had mentally regressed as I followed through with the premise I had created.

I declared the blood loss the culprit and deemed it guilty without charge to save my feeble remnants of pride. I refused to admit how far I really have sunken.

This was a new low and a new record of sadness, it will forever be renumerated in my mind. Uttering these shameful words must have been the most disgrace I have ever brought upon myself.

Knowing that this statement was a lie was even more hurtful. Normally I comment on everything in my mind to stay somewhat sane, what given the circumstances varies in its success. For the time being, I can keep the pain at bay.

Yet, the sensation of pain keeps affecting my judgements in times of duress. No bloodshed or carnage will change that fact. My body was on the verge of breaking down, I was all too aware that I was not some sort of superhuman.

After 2 measly wolves my body had given in and I had crashed face-first into the ground. Collapsing was a sad display of moral but I just could not move an inch.

The wolves had not even died yet but their condition was not any better than mine. Their breaths were shallow and none of them moved an inch from the spot, where their life slowly came to an end as they laid in a pool of blood.

From the outside, this must have been quite a pitiful sight. With blood strewn all over the place and one body looking worse than the other one, it was a fight with no clear winner. Only losers could be found on the ground soiled by the red liquid of life.

A little chuckle left my lips as the taste of dirt tickled my tongue. Despite not being able to even move I was looking forward to finally seeing the troublemakers in front of my very own eyes. It would not take long with the degree of the injuries they had suffered.

Before I was able to celebrate, I heard a very unpleasant sound in my ears. It was yet another growl. Although it was still distant, I was quite literally helpless in front of it.

God forbid for giving me any kind of resting period. How could I ever grow if my limits are not challenged? It is my obligation to face any kind of hardship with a smile on my face and a big fuck you in my heart.

Cursing at the wolves refusal to die, I gave my all to push my weary body to move up again. Sadly this was impossible, as I could barely muster enough strength to move my arms.

The growling had only come closer in the meantime as I struggled dearly to have any chance at fighting back. I was caught in a dilemma and did not have any idea how to get out of this alive.

Suddenly I felt a sensation in the air, something I had never expected to meet at this place so soon again. It was magic and the tearful cry and the burned smell in the air were evidence enough of its destructive capabilities.

I was not its target but that could change at any given moment. But the highly anticipated attack never came. I did not know whether I could count myself lucky or if the magic-user had other plans for me.

As long as I could regenerate I stood a chance and that was the only thing that mattered to me now.