Silvers and Emeralds (Part II)

Once the briefing was concluded, Cynthia would only continue to sit down at her table in silence as all the other psionics either forwarded out of the cafeteria or grouped up with their comrades to converse about the operation.

She would have preferred to return to her designated dorm-room within the Platinum Avenger in order to continue her research but circumstances dictate that she must remain here.

It was only once there was a few P.A.I.N. psionics left within the cafeteria did she get approached by the person who was the reason why she had stayed behind.

"Greetings Operative Starr or do you prefer it if I call you the 'Emerald Flame?'"

Cynthia pretended to put an awkward expression on her face when she replied to the nonchalant yet somewhat friendly voice of Melanie Menendez.

"Erm... I think I just prefer it you just call me Cynthia actually..."

Melanie silently gazed at Cynthia for a short moment before she shrugged and spoke up in that typical indifferent tone of hers.

"Whatever you prefer. Just remember that I still have to refer to you formally on formal occasions… obviously."

"Oh that's fine."

This time, Cynthia pretended to respond in a cheerful manner before she proceeded to question the Silver Sparrow in a curious and inquisitive yet childlike tone.

"So what did you need to talk with me about? And why here of all places?"

"For the first question, it's about your specific mission details, as for the second one... well lets just say that it seems less conspicuous if it seemed like I was just having a friendly chat with you in the cafeteria."

Melanie paused for a short moment to chuckle before she continued.

"Well, based on what we talked about so far, I guess it really isn't too far from a friendly chat. Anyhow, I was meant to divulge to you what your role will be within the operation."

She once again paused for another short moment and appeared to have closely sized up Cynthia before she resumed.

"You have been selected as my only partner within the strike team that is meant to lure the orkk forces towards the Dardanelle Ravine."

Cynthia's eyes instantly widened in shock upon hearing what her mission was. She initially thought that she was simply going to be part of a temporary squad that held a specific point at the ravine, not to carry out the near suicidal task of luring the orkks towards the ambush location.

[Is this more of Allen's work? Or did Melanie do this out of her own volition? Damn, no matter who's responsible I still have to deal with this bullshit!]

Other than the stunning fact that Cynthia had been chosen to be part of this strike team, the implications of Melanie's words 'my only partner' also told Cynthia that not only was the supposed strike team actually a two man squad but the other person within said squad was Melanie herself.

Cynthia opened her mouth to speak but she was interrupted by Melanie's voice before she could even say anything.

"I chose for you to be my partner because I thought that you would be the most suitable candidate. Not only are you a powerful psionic that is at least C-class in strength but your small size and stature makes you light and a hard 'target' to hit as well.

Of course I'm going to keep you out of harm's way so don't you worry. Besides, your psionic abilities of heat manipulation combined with the fact that you're a 'small target' make you well suited for the 'hit and run' kind of tactic that we will be employing to lure the orkks."

As per usual, Cynthia pretended to react in the normal way any typical kid would have in this sort of situation.

"I-I don't really want to do this... I... I don't think I can even survive!"

Cynthia didn't know what it was exactly but she felt as if she struck a chord with Melanie when the latter responded to the former in a far more gentler tone that was uncharacteristic of her.

"I have no doubt that you can do this. Don't forget this but you are still an immensely powerful psionic with the potential to become even stronger. And so am I. Trust me. Everything will be alright."

It was at that moment when a sudden revelation flashed within Cynthia's mind. She smiled internally as she thought about Melanie's origins, a secret she learned in her past life. And on top of that, she also seemed to be 'different' from her usual self.

Whatever the reason was for Melanie to be 'emotionally vulnerable' which is in of itself a rarity, this was still the perfect opportunity for Cynthia to advance her own goals.

"But... what if I don't want to become a powerful psionic?"

Although Melanie appeared to be slightly surprised by what Cynthia said, she didn't say anything as she instead allowed Cynthia to continue speaking.

"Ever since that day at the cafeteria when I... did the 'thing' to that man's eyes. I haven't been able to make a single true friend."

Melanie didn't reply immediately but instead remained silent for an entire minute.

When she finally opened her mouth, her words were quiet and soft-spoken.

"Yeah... I... I know what you mean."

But her voice would soon become sharp and even contain hints of disdain the more that she spoke.

"Even amongst other psionics I was regarded as 'different.' People either saw me as a tool to be exploited or as a perfect paragon that they could never compare themselves to. Either way, nobody saw me as someone who could be their friend."

"Oh so kinda like me huh?.. No one wants to be friends with us cause even among the special people we are still too special?"

Cynthia made sure to lapse into silence for another short moment before she came up with a 'sudden idea.'

"Oh hey! I got an idea!"

Melanie's eyebrows rose when she heard Cynthia proclaim that she had an idea before she questioned what this idea actually was.

"What is it?"

Cynthia made sure to greet Melanie's question with a warm, welcoming but ultimately fake smile when she proposed her 'idea.'

"Do you want to be my friend?"

A faint, almost indistinguishable yet still visible smile formed on Melanie's face when she replied.

"I would... I would like that very much actually."


Within her private dorm-room Katarina sat on her bed as she thought about Melanie's emergency meeting.

Although she had a feeling about what the emergency meeting was going to be about beforehand, that didn't mean that she wanted her suspicions to be proven true. Regardless of what happened, she couldn't do anything about memories except remember what occurred.

"Your specific mission and squad details will be sent to both your personal exo-suit as well as your personal computer terminal within your dorm-room. I apologise in advance but some individuals may have to wait a little longer for their own mission details."

Melanie paused at that moment to make a sliding glance at the crowd before she finished.

"Now that concludes this general briefing. I hope that I will see you all return alive to the Platinum Avenger by the time this is all over."

Katarina remembered that she subconsciously gulped upon hearing Melanie's final phrase.

'Return alive.'

Yes, Katarina wanted to return alive.

Who wouldn't?

Unless that particular person was suicidal, she believed that no one in their right mind would willingly accept death.

At the very least, that's how she felt is should be.

She never understood how some people could 'die contently.'

Perhaps she was still too young to find.

But perhaps she will never find out.

Either way, she didn't want her cause of death to be because she died a meaningless death protecting some unimportant backwater outer border planet from orkks. [Why do I have to fight for these bumpkins? It's just a pointless, insignificant world. Is risking my life really worth it if it means that I could save theirs?]

Although these thoughts plagued her mind, they were soon overrun by a multitude of other thoughts that also crowded her mind.

[Oh God no! How could I even think that?! There are millions of people who live on this planet even if it's just a backwater world. I can't condemn millions of people even if I don't know them!] Katarina mentally berated herself for harbouring such cold and callous thoughts after realising just how selfish they actually were.

Even though she kept everything within the confines of her mind, she still couldn't help but feel guilty for her 'actions.'

"What's with that look on your face? It's a weird expression but it's not the typical 'Katarina' weird expression."

Soon, Katarina's thoughts would be interrupted by Alicia's voice, who spoke in a matter of fact way. Alicia herself laid on the mattress of the top bunk, placing her outside of Katarina's line of sight. Evidently, Alicia probably caught a quick glance of Katarina's expression before she returned to lying down on her bunk.

"Oh shut up. I... I was just thinking."

Despite the fact that Katarina actually told the truth, Alicia didn't seem to be convinced by her honest explanation.

"If you say so..."

"Ah you know what? Nevermind. Let's just move the subject along and talk about something else... Like ummm..."

Katarina's voice disappeared for a short while as she frantically thought of a topic to switch the subject to.

"Like erm... the orkks!"

"The orkks?"

Alicia's questioning response immediately made Katarina regret her choice of words but it was too late to back down now. After confirming her resolve, Katarina made an affirmative reply.

"Yes the orkks! What do you think about them? Like in general?"

"I see them as the enemy that we will have to face. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Katarina instantly felt relieved in response to Alicia's answer. Even if her answer would leave nothing but awkward silence in its wake, at the very least it avoided the previous predicament. However, Katarina got so caught up in the moment that she was caught ill-prepared by Alicia's own question.

"What about you?"

Katarina was not prepared to answer such a question and she could only give a clumsy answer in reply.

"What about me?"

When Alicia heard what Katrina said, she made a slightly tired sigh before she responded.

"I mean what do you think about the orkks?"

It took her another long moment before she was able to think up of an answer.

"I think that they're going to be a worthy opponent against someone as mighty as myself."

"'Mighty as yourself.' You can't even defeat the food you eat for breakfast and yet you believe that you are a match for the orkks?"

Katarina was left speechless for a moment before she was able to muster the strength to say something back.

"Hey, don't say stuff like that! Don't make light of my life like that!"

"I'm being completely serious though."

Alicia chuckled lightly as she replied. On the other hand, Katarina could only respond with sarcasm.

"Haha very funny."

"I like to think that I am a humorous person at times."

Once, Alicia said that, a dreadful quiet permeated within the room for a long time before the silence was broken by Katarina.

"But all jokes aside... I'm... I'm scared."

Katarina could feel concern within Alicia's voice when she spoke.

"Katarina you-"

"No just let me say this."

Katarina didn't know why she interrupted Alicia when she did or why she was saying what she said but she couldn't stop herself anyway even if she really wanted to. All she could do was go with the flow.

"Alicia you were always the stronger and the smarter one out of the two of us. We both know that I hate to admit it but I... I count on you... for... for a lot actually. I actually rely on you a lot. Like almost too mu-"

"I think you're getting a little off-track..."

In response to Alicia's interruption, Katarina coughed before she spoke.

"Ahem. The point is. You can promise me that we're both getting out of this alive... right?"

Alicia would remain silent for a long time before she gave her answer.

"Of course."