Intergalactic Terran Confederation Data Sheet

The Intergalactic Terran Confederation or I.T.C. for short is a democratic confederation which encompasses all of human space. Excluding the occasional insurgent planet or once-human colonial planets which are now under foreign alien rule, there is no planet with a human government whose allegiance ultimately does not lie with the Terran Confederation.

The once great intergalactic nations of man are no more following the events of the [data expunged]. Forced to accept the fact that humanity can no longer be divided by neither nations nor nationality if they want to contend with the other hostile races of the universe, the Intergalactic Terran Confederation was born.

Although the seperate intergalactic nations still exist to this very day, they are merely client nations who while given an extremely generous amount of autonomy were all ultimately still subject to the I.T.C.'s will.

The I.T.C. itself, despite technically being a confederation is also regarded as its own nation, seperate to the intergalactic nations with its own sovereign territory and citizenship. However, it's territory is limited to the Earth's Solar system only, with the I.T.C. ruling the rest of human space via proxy through its client nations.

Its territory, ever-expanding. Its resources near countless. Its manpower virtually limitless. It is the I.T.C.'s guarantee that under their regime, humanity will prosper.

And should anything, human or otherwise, internal or external, ever threaten the prosperity of mankind.

Then they shall face the full wrath of the Intergalactic Terran Confederation.


"In unity lies strength

One Race. One Species. One People.

United under a single banner, humanity shall prosper.

Let none dare to threaten our freedom and liberty.

And let none dare to conspire against our undivided unity.

And let none dare to jeopardise our hard won prosperity.

And mercy to those who would dare to subvert our freedom and liberty, our unity, and our prosperity.

For they shall burn in the flames of retribution knowing that humanity will always win through.

No matter the cost"

- Extract from the I.T.C.'s anthem.