Attack on Xiaotong-chan

Title Translator Note: It's a reference to the popular anime Attack on Titan. Note that the correct translation should have been Attacking Xiaotong-chan, just as how the correct translation for the movie should have been Attacking Titan. However, to preserve the reference, I followed the mistranslation of the title the author is referencing.

In the game, as soon as GodV heard the shots, he immediately found a high slope and parked his car. Scoping down on his SKS, he immediately started clicking heads!

Chen Yifa also aimed down the 8x 98k she had looted back in Pochinki as she tried to look for targets.

Moments later, the two's comms could be summed up as below.

"Where's everyone! Wei-chan, don't just keep firing by yourself! Report coords!" Chen Yifa said.

"Oh, my bad, there's one behind that slope, SW240." GodV said.

"Ah? Where!" Chen Yifa asked.

"I just killed him." GodV said.