Who’s Looking Down On Who?

The lazy-looking man gave off an incredible vibe!

If one were to describe him in one sentence, one could say that it was better for him to lay down instead of standing up, and he would shut his eyes if given the choice.

The moment he got down from the car, he walked straight into a lamp post that was by the entrance!

This was because his eyes were literally shut the entire time!

The receptionists at the entrance of the University of Jianghai were shocked as they saw everything!

They then set their eyes on the car.

It was the car used to commute participants!

'That can't be right!'

They then watched the man crouch down as he held onto his skull with his eye twitching.

'Is he really here for the tournament?'

'Brother, are you still dreaming?'

Then, the three people behind him walked toward him swiftly. They pulled him up as he seemed to have fallen asleep while crouching down