The First Gang Fight In History

A single person could act bravely, but when over 100 people did the same, it was a majestic sight.

Although Sun Miaomiao had a rather tall stature, she was currently standing there without saying a word, staring at the young man at the front of the group. There was a ripple in that blank gaze of hers. It seemed as if there was some warmth on her ice-cold face.

When he saw Sun Miaomiao standing there looking pensive, Guan Wanli felt a sour feeling in his heart. He was kind of unhappy.

The woman that he adored seemed to like Luo Yunyang.

"Do you want to join them as well?" Guan Wanli asked her in a hushed voice as he walked up to her.

Sun Miaomiao nodded her head faintly, but didn't say anything. Even though the guy adored her, she had always treated him coldly.

"To be honest, I also feel like joining them. I actually feel the impulse to entrust Luo Yunyang with my life."