The Moon-Swallowing Devil Ape Move

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The cannon-like trunk of the White-Jade Gem Elephant shot out ripples of air. Any trees that were struck by the elephant's blasts snapped in half.

Lin Changjian was the strongest among the four, so the White-Jade Gem Elephant paid the most attention to him. Waves of air blasts were continuously sprayed in all directions.

Crash! A falling tree nearly smashed into Lin Changjian. Lin Changjian was able to dodge the trunk, but he was unable to evade the tree's branches.

A tree branch swept across his face, leaving lines of blood in its wake!

"Big Brother Changjian, the beast has already… It's already chased us really far! Why is it still pursuing us this relentlessly?" one of the younger brothers said as he panted in an effort to keep up his speed.

Lin Changjian was just as desperate. He could sense that there was something strange about this situation.