The Sky High's Seven Pillars

"Have you found Luo Yunyang yet?" Chief Instructor Lu asked Xu Zhong. He seemed ready to explode.

Xu Zhong looked like a startled rabbit as he nearly jumped up in fear. He knew that Chief Instructor Lu was deeply worried, so he replied cautiously, "I'm in the process of finding him."

"Time and tide wait for no man!" Chief Instructor Lu raised a hand and violently smacked the top of Xu Zhong's head. "Get out of my sight and get back to searching!"

Xu Zhong hurried out of the command center without another word.

The entire base's soldiers followed Chief Instructor Lu's orders and moved out to locate Luo Yunyang's whereabouts.

Even though they searched the C-grade and D-grade dire beast regions multiple times, they still didn't find a trace of Luo Yunyang.

Some elites from the upper class also joined the search, but they still weren't able to find him.