Chasing Sun And Accompanying Moon

Luo Yunyang was sitting quietly in his seat on flying craft No.9, gently caressing the sabre in his hand.

Bloody Scar...

The two unadorned words, which were carved on the back of the sabre, made it appear especially dignified. However, as the owner of the sabre, Luo Yunyang knew very well that it hadn't been around for a long time.

It was actually only one month old.

This sabre had been made using the latest manufactured No.13 titanium-gold alloy and the most advanced manufacturing techniques.

One would have to exchange 20 million points for it, as its degree of sharpness could let a martialist easily break through the defenses of a D-grade dire beast.

Luo Yunyang hadn't spent a single point on the Bloody Scar, though. Chief Instructor Lu had let him pick anything he wanted from the armory.