Striking One's Ears With Both Fists

"Aren't you arrogant? Aren't you fast? Let's see you stop me!" A booming voice that sounded like a thunderclap was heard as a big-sized young man stepped forward towards the five-kilometer bridge.

"Lei Qi, Lei Qi, Lei Qi!"

A series of cheers immediately came from the Sky High Military. There were even a few people who started chanting the young man's name.

The martialist, who ranked third among the Sky High's Seven Pillars, was also one of the top 10 Outstanding Martialists. Many people turned to watch him as he stepped out.

When Lei Qi walked forward, the old fat man from the Sky High Military smiled once again.

He had faith in Lei Qi. Although his speed couldn't be compared to Luo Yunyang's, his most important quality was his strength. Crossing the five-kilometer bridge wouldn't be a problem for him.

Lei Qi turned to look at the instructor in charge of the Sky High Military's elite class. His gaze was full of discontent.