Source Fluid Distribution


A fist struck hard into an ironwood board. A charred black fist mark appeared on the iron wood, which was three times as durable as steel.

When Luo Yunyang pulled his fist back, flames appeared on the fire-resistant ironwood.

As he watched the ironwood burn, Luo Yunyang came up with an idea. He brandished his fist again, but this time, the power he urged out originated from the glowing dot of cold Qi he had absorbed.

As his fist struck, frost encapsulated the piece of ironwood. However, the blazes on the ironwood were not extinguished. Instead, they started burning even more intensely.

Ice and fire co-existed as one!

Luo Yunyang decided to treat this energy as a source power, although he wasn't sure whether he could call it a source power. As for the two glowing dots in his body, he decided to keep referring to them as source cores, just like he had before.

Power: 64

Speed: 10

Mind: 16