Boundless Vitality

It was the Viceroy!

There was only one person called the Viceroy among the Rising Dragon Army, and that was the Rising Dragon Army's chief commander!

As the man spoke, someone else handed over something that looked like a grip ball. "Luo Yunyang, force out some power from the source core within your body and grab onto this ball for a second."

Luo Yunyang nodded. As he grabbed the ball, he instinctively gathered some source power in his hand. The ball suddenly lit up.

"Alright, you can put it down. The results will be out very quickly," Chief Instructor Lu said softly.

"Hit me again, Yunyang! Your punch was just too enjoyable!" Xu Zhong ran over to Luo Yunyang expectantly.

Luo Yunyang was speechless. This fella was asking to get beaten. Could his earlier punch have damaged his brain? Xu Zhong might have seemed very casual, but Luo Yunyang knew that he treated him very well, so he would feel bad if he had actually hurt him.