A Young Master

Combat squadrons were the most valiant fighting teams in the Rising Dragon Army. The Green Dragon Combat Squadron was the sixth in rank combat squadron in the Rising Dragon Army.

Although its rank wasn't considered very high, it let the Green Dragon Combat Squadron enjoy an extraordinary status.

Outside the final safe zone of Chang'an City, about five kilometers away from Zulong Mountain, three men in Rising Dragon Army uniforms were sitting on three rocks and chatting idly.

"Damn! What do our superiors want?" a short, stocky man asked with a moan. "We set off a long time ago, yet now we have to wait because some other people will be joining us?"

"What are they coming for? Don't they trust their own brothers?"

Seated beside him was a tall man with a red face that seemed to give off a sense of righteousness.

"Alright, stop complaining. Our combat squadron might be independent, but we are all still soldiers of the Rising Dragon Army."