Doing The Right Thing

"There is no other way. Unless someone is able to shut off the mechanism in under one second!" Cui Shengdao said, glancing at the end of large palace hall.

At the end of the hall was a flight of 36 steps made out of black jade. On top of those steps was the statue of a black dragon grasping the sun and the moon in its claws. Cui Shengdao had been staring at the round scarlet sun.

Luo Yunyang stood at least 20 meters away from the sun, so he would have to rush over to that black dragon and shut off the mechanism within that time frame.

Qin Wanqing was silent for a bit before she said softly, "I… I'll beg the Martial God to help. Would that work?"

"The Martial God is indeed strong, but Zulong's Tomb isn't as simple as we expected. There is another set of mechanisms inside the tomb that is used specifically to deal with the most powerful martialists."