The Sangu Research Center

Qin Wanqing, Zhu Yan, Lu Tiefeng and the others were all stupefied. Their faces were full of disbelief as they stared at Luo Yunyang, who was right in front of them.

How was this possible?

Practically the moment that this thought popped in their minds, everyone rushed over to Luo Yunyang.

"Ha ha ha! I knew that you hadn't died!" Zhu Yan smiled wide as tears of joy flooded his eyes.

Luo Yunyang and Zhu Yan grabbed each other's hands. Words were not necessary to express how they felt.

"Didn't you fall into that mechanism? What happened?" Cui Shengdao asked, maintaining the cool-headedness of an officer.

Luo Yunyang smiled. "The mechanism was connected to this place. I have been waiting over here for quite some time."

Luo Yunyang had decided that he wouldn't reveal the truth about Zulong's Tomb. The items he had acquired from Chi Hen were just too important to him.