Son Of God

Fat Xue, who seemed a little displeased with Luo Yunyang's cluelessness, said indignantly, "Did you know that I am a hardcore fan of hers? I can recite anything you want to know about her. Her height, her hobbies..."

Just as Fat Xue started to get naggy, a group of five people strode over slowly. Standing in the middle of the group was a blond guy who looked like the son of a god.

Thanks to the information provided, Luo Yunyang knew who he was. The big shots of the legislative assembly of the 13 Eastern Cities had singled him out as someone to watch out for.

It was the Son of God, Lemarto!

There wasn't much to say about this man, as he was actually really mysterious. There was only one word that could describe him— frightening!

There was also a record of him training under Unrivalled Warrior Johann, so it was suspected that he had cultivated the Judgement of God,