Getting A Good Beating

Back in the hotel, Fat Xue had a bloody nose and a swollen face. However, it didn't seem like he had suffered any serious injuries.

"Luo Yunyang, you ass! Are you messing with me on purpose? Why did you have to hit me so viciously? You were supposed to be helping my wounds heal!" Fat Xue grimaced as he rubbed his cheek.

Luo Yunyang cast a sidelong glance at the fatty, but didn't bother answering. Instead, he focused his attention on Wei Zhongxing and Ling Yubing. Although the two of them didn't seem to have any visible injuries, they were devoid of the fighting spirit they had had when they had first arrived.

They had lost. These two had both been utterly defeated at a very important competition.

Although Wei Zhongxing had been eager for victory during his fight with Lemarto, he had only had one exchange with him before he'd lost.

According to him, he simply didn't have the ability to resist the Son of God.