A Second Source Core

When Lemarto got on the stage, the entire stadium went into a frenzy. Compared to their cheering for Simon, their cheering was much more intense this time.  

Although there were also a lot of people cheering when Luo Yunyang appeared, their cheers were considerably less compared to Lemarto's.

"Why are so many women cheering for Luo Yunyang?" Fat Xue asked in confusion.

The answer to his question came in the form of Ling Yubing's fist. Wei Zhongxing chuckled. "Luo Yunyang has already become the most beloved man in Mei'ya City. You must surely know why!"

"Damn it! Why couldn't I be the one to awaken a wood-based source core?" Fat Xue wailed as he watched Li'chen blow kisses at Luo Yunyang.

These words naturally resulted in another punch from Ling Yubing.

Many eyes turned to the scene in the arena, Actually, the eyes of the entire Da Alliance were focused on this match.