The Nine Varying Ape-Dragon Blows

Luo Yunyang unleashed his 3,000-Mile Freezing Move at the exact same moment that Lemarto brandished his sword. His sabre gleam didn't leave Bloody Scar. Instead, it created a three-meter long ray that shot straight at the sword-light headed towards him.

The two energies collided violently in mid-air.

When the pure white sword gleam and the sabre gleam clashed, they created a beautiful sight.

"Luo Yunyang, who is a second-grade martial master, was amazingly able to pull off this strike. However, there is still a big difference in terms of power. The gap between him and Lemarto is not something a sabre and a sword can fix..."

A pundit was expressing his views on Sky Vision. Based on what he knew, this sort of evaluation wasn't too difficult to make.

However, the moment he said this, there were some massive changes in the long sword using the Sacred Light Beheading, as well as Luo Yunyang's sabre gleam.