

As the huge axe and the two throwing knives collided in the air, the bloody shadows that filled the sky dissipated. The majestic Alice couldn't help moving back three steps.

Although three steps wasn't much, Alice had already forced herself into the realm of a martial grandmaster. If she had been forcibly obstructed, then how immense had this clash been?

Luo Yunyang felt his head buzz as the throwing knives clashed with the huge axe. Although his body hadn't been in contact with the throwing knives, he had been controlling them in order to parry the blow, so he had still felt the strength of the collision.

"How strong!"

"Nicely done! Now take another chop of my axe!" Alice hissed as the huge axe, which was about the size of a tyre, danced in the air. Now that its speed had been doubled, the huge axe was like a blood-red streak flying towards Luo Yunyang.