Phantom Assassination

Luo Yunyang took the initiative to kill off Gong Suncuo, who ranked 13th on the Earth List.

What was the difference between the 10th and 13th person on the Earth List anyway? There actually wasn't much of a difference, which was why Gong Sunchuo had decided to face Luo Yunyang.

Of course, this was also a strategy he used to pressure Luo Yunyang mentally.

Unfortunately, Gong Suncuo had been too naive. He had been killed with one strike before he could achieve his goal.

Although his judgement had played a part in this, Luo Yunyang's speed had been so fast that Gong Suncuo simply wasn't able to react in time.

Luo Yunyang had a composed expression on his face. He wasn't delighted over Gong Suncuo's death. As he lifted Gong Suncuo's corpse on his spear, he glanced all around him and said indifferently, "Anyone else?"