Taboo Weapon

Back at the Nie Household, Nie Tianyuan's unflinching gaze was fixated on the large screen.

Although those four martial grandmasters hadn't been a part of the Nie Family, they had always had a good relationship with them.

Plus, the four men had only participated in this fiasco on account of a person from the Nie Family. Now, the four of them were all dead!

Their death was a loss for the Nie Family's power. Of course, this loss wouldn't cause them much distress. The four men hadn't been very influential after all. However, they could still have been used as tools by the Nie Family.

What was more unbearable for Nie Tianyuan was Luo Yunyang's growth.

He had become a martial grandmaster and a telekinesis grandmaster at a really young age. If he was allowed to mature any further, it would be a calamity for the Nie Family. This disaster could follow them relentlessly throughout the course of his life.