400 Kilometers From Shen'du

On top of the golden lotus, which was about the size of a bowl, were nine lotus seeds that emanated a flourishing vitality. The lotus seeds contained an immense power that would allow an ordinary person to reach great heights if they swallowed one.

However, for the time being, these nine seeds weren't of much use to Luo Yunyang.

The power contained within the seeds was just as gentle as the Glass Flames had been. Luo Yunyang had already consumed the Glass Flames that had been hidden beneath this land for years, so the effectiveness of the nine lotus seeds would basically be minimal.

Of course, they could be used to replenish one's vital energy during combat.

Luo Yunyang inhaled sharply and used his hands to make a clawing motion in the air. Three flame dragons instantly appeared in front of him.

The dragons extended their huge claws and clawed at the air in front of Luo Yunyang simultaneously.