Shen'du! Shen'du!

Luo Yunyang's eyes sparkled when he saw Shen'du.

Although this wasn't the first time he visited Shen'du, his blood ran cold this time.

The huge city gates looked like the mouth of a huge beast, and his target was in the belly of the beast.

Step by step, Luo Yunyang walked towards the gates of Shen'du.

"Halt!" The soldier on duty was naturally oblivious to what had happened. He just stopped Luo Yunyang for a routine check.

Although the soldier would have normally shouted, he felt a little nervous when he felt the scary vibe this person emanated.

Luo Yunyang, who sensed the soldier's fear, pulled out his insignia with a smile.

When the soldier saw his insignia, his expression changed. Although he had found Luo Yunyang's face a little familiar, he hadn't expected that this young man would actually be the renowned Luo Yunyang.

"Greetings, Honorary Delegate. Please enter!"