The Tempest-Starting, Cloud-Rising Strike

As Feng Yinglie stood even straighter, a faint sparkling glow appeared on his long pike, which was riddled with scorch marks from Luo Yunyang's strikes.

Luo Yunyang's eyes narrowed slightly. Using these techniques of the Heaven-Battling Ape-Dragon Chart a moment ago had made him feel carefree and wild.

Thanks to this sensation, Luo Yunyang felt like he had distanced himself from Chi Hen's understanding of the Heaven-Battling Ape-Dragon Chart.

The combination of the Heaven-Burning Dragon Fists and the Almighty Sky-Ripping Violent Ape Move had been perfect.

Although Feng Yinglie had said that this could only have compared to his standards 20 years ago, Luo Yunyang wanted to tell him that this used to be his level a few days ago.

His integration of the two essence flames had already allowed his power to reach a whole new level second only to the god-grade level.