The Heaven-Burning Soul Blaze

Power: 0 (Fire: 0, Ice: 0, Wood: 0)

Speed: 2

Mind: 4,400 (Fire: 1)

Constitution: 13 (Golden Body: 0, Fire: 0, Ice: 0, Wood: 0)

Luo Yunyang's Mind Attribute actually had a Fire Sub Attribute of one point. What was all this about? Although he was puzzled, a thought suddenly popped into his mind. Back when he had read the records left behind by the original owner of the Buddha Disks, he had discovered that if a telekinesis grandmaster wanted to advance to a god-grade level, they would need to incorporate the power of elemental attributes into their mind power.

The most basic way of incorporating these attributes was by slowly cultivating them, comprehending them and letting them form naturally.

However, not only was this method slow, but it also required an extremely strong perception. An alternative way was to forcefully assimilate strange objects that contained these powers into one's mind power.