An Eye For An Eye

Although the area around the Unique Restaurant was a central point of the city's nightlife, that night, it was deadly silent.

Koi Guard soldiers had already locked down the surrounding buildings and advised everyone not to enter the district.

The Koi Guard was one of the Eight Armies and Three Guards, so the soldiers' warnings were very effective. Each time someone heard about the situation at the Unique Restaurant, their first reaction was to refrain from heading over.

When the Koi Guard soldiers had completed this precautionary task, they all started to slack off.

"Damn! This is clearly the Blood Strike Guard's job. Why is the Koi Guard wiping their asses for them? How repulsive!" a man grumbled bitterly as he puffed on a cigarette.

"What's wrong? Did you have a date tonight, brother?"

"Duh! I asked a dancer out, but it seems like I won't get to see her tonight!"