Autumn Wind Mood

As the Blood Strike Guard Commissar, only Luo Yunyang had the authority to issue a Blood Strike Guard Emergency Summon. This order was issued after the execution of the 13 criminals from the ancient martial families was announced. The Blood Strike Guard members would convene at the Yellow Leaf Platform.

The Yellow Leaf Platform was just a huge platform. Considering that it was currently autumn, the platform would be covered by an endless pile of falling yellow leaves.

Over 100 Blood Strike Guard members were gathered inside a small pre-apocalyptic building. Their uniforms were neat, and they glowed with vigor.

"Ha ha! Didn't you withdraw from the Blood Strike Guard, Old Meng? What are you doing here?" someone called out to a tall, skinny man as he entered the building.

Everyone underestimated Old Meng because he didn't look the least bit fierce. Although he had a frail, weak appearance, his voice was extremely loud and resonant.