The Rampaging Deity Body

"Luo Yunyang mustn't be allowed to escape!" the Xu Family Head bellowed furiously.

He had lost his beloved son because of Luo Yunyang, so he considered him his greatest enemy. He would love to disember Luo Yunyang and feed his bones to the dogs, so it was only natural that he would not allow Luo Yunyang to flee this easily.

These contagious feelings encouraged the ancient martial family heads' rage, which stemmed from the humiliation they had suffered.

Luo Yunyang had already become a huge rock that suppressed these families. If they didn't kick away this rock, they would have no way of getting their thoughts off their chests.

They needed to get that son of a b*tch, no matter what!

The ascension of the Guardian Deity had presented them with a great opportunity. Even though the Guardian Deity wasn't on their side, if he killed off Luo Yunyang, it would still be a victory for them.