“What Did You Say? I Can't Hear You Clearly!”

"Luo Yunyang, this is the Vice-Chairman of the Da Alliance, Jin Zaitian. With the authority of the Commander-In-Chief of the Eight Armies and Three Guards, I order you to capture the Guardian Deity alive!" a dignified, imposing voice said as it reverberated throughout the sky amidst that peaceful atmosphere.

Luo Yunyang had heard the name Jin Zaitian many times. This man was the leader of the Eight Armies and Three Guards, as well as the person with the most authority in the 13 Eastern Cities.

During his confrontation with the ancient martial families, he had chosen to support him by providing him with taboo weapons and ultimately forcing the ancient martial families' god-grade powerhouses not to take action.

However, Luo Yunyang felt abandoned this time. As soon as the Guardian Deity had proclaimed his intention to kill Luo Yunyang, the old man had deserted him.

Otherwise, Luo Yunyang would have been able to contact Lu Qubing.