Some Debts Must Be Settled

Bai Yuannan had never imagined that he would encounter such a situation.

Wherever he was, whatever sort of person he encountered, his title as a Martial God's disciple was like a gold-plated signboard that made everyone think twice before acting unreasonably.

This was why he hadn't left even after the Guardian Deity had been slain and Lu Fuyun had fled.

However, he now realized that he had been a little too naive and opinionated.

The young man with the murderous look in his eyes did not seem to care about his status as a Martial God's disciple. If he said anything wrong, he might not even let him live.

Bai Yuannan didn't care whether his master would avenge him or not. Even if he did seek justice and avenge him, Bai Yuannan would already be a dead man, so besides showing his righteousness, his master wouldn't achieve anything else.