The Master Of The Snow Mountain

The Great Snow Mountain had a total of 326 disciples. Two of them were martial grandmasters, 46 were martial masters and the remainder were martialists.

Although this sort of strength was rather considerable even among the Eight Armies, Luo Yunyang could eliminate them with a wave of his hand.

Absolute silence filled the large main hall where the Great Snow Mountain disciples used to convene and discuss any issues.

Master Xin Yuan, the skinny younger brother of the Guardian Deity said solemnly, "Mr. Luo wants to be the Great Snow Mountain's master. Does anyone have any objections?"

Luo Yunyang's words were repeated by Master Xin Yuan in a very assured manner.

Opposite Master Xin Yuan was the older uncle also vying to become the master of the Great Snow Mountain. The two men, who had already been scared into submission by Luo Yunyang, naturally didn't say anything to oppose him.

Nobody spoke. The entire hall was flooded with absolute silence.